Monitoring Our Home Planet

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Monitoring Our Home Planet

Monitoring Our Home Planet


A natural disaster is regarded as a consequence of any natural occurrence. Some of such disasters are comprised of volcanoes, earthquakes, global climate, tsunamis, and weather. Such natural disasters show a way to environmental, human, political, economical, and financial losses. The ever increasing number of natural occurrences in the form of disasters enforced individuals all around the globe to develop means and ways of meticulously monitoring of such phenomena. This has provided assistance for providing probable upcoming mishaps and calamities to the public (Alexander, 2002).

In this paper, there will be an exploration of the information that when and where certain natural disasters are possible to take place. As a result, the public would be able to take appropriate and useful precautions such as evacuating the places of the forecasted accidents and occurrences. The information that is disseminated regarding the probable calamities of future, in the form of natural calamities, also facilitates the government in preparing for such disasters. This paper will illuminate the three natural disasters which are tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. Furthermore, there will be an identification of some common places where some natural calamities have been taken place. In addition to it, there will be an analysis of various ways by which different types of natural calamities are monitored by websites. This deep analysis will be based on distinctive topics, inclusive of geography, resources, politics, economics, and disaster preparedness.

Different Natural Phenomena of Natural Disasters along with the potential Impacts

As per the requirements of the assignment, three different natural phenomena are identified that are particularly responsible for the occurrence of any natural calamities. Such three natural phenomena that will be discussed in detail along with their potential impacts are mentioned below:

Occurrence of Earthquakes

Earthquakes are the reason of rapid discharge of energy in the crust of the earth that has the natural tendency of creating seismic waves (Luis Flores Ballesteros, 2008). Earthquakes cause vibration, shaking, and even a terrifying displacement of the land. Some of the general causes of earthquakes amongst the others are land sliding, nuclear tastes, mine blasts, and volcanic activities. Earthquakes may also cause destruction as an outcome of their secondary impacts. Through such impacts, earthquakes have the potentials for killing persons, wildlife and for destroying a lot of assets and properties. The secondary impacts of earthquake involve natural calamities like tsunamis, volcanoes, and collapse of buildings. A great number of earthquakes have taken place in the history of the world. Some of the most apparent and unforgettable ones are the 2011's tsunami and the Tohoku earthquake. Such disastrous earthquakes took about 13,000 lives of human beings whereas, around 12,000 people got missed. The great earthquake of Chile that occurred in the year 2010 took around 525 human lives. In the year 2008, a fixed number of 61,150 individuals died because of the Sichuan earthquake. In Pakistan, the Kashmir earthquake that stroke in the year 2005 took around 79,000 lives, whereas, in the year 2004, because ...