Monitoring And Evaluation Is A Challenge In South African Municipalities

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Monitoring and Evaluation is a Challenge in South African Municipalities


Literature Review4

Research Methodology6

Aim of the Research6

Research Questions6

Research Design7

Data Source7


Sample Size8

Ethical Consideration9

Reliability and Validity9

Findings and Discussion9




Monitoring and Evaluation is a Challenge in South African Municipalities


This manuscript is principally a research paper, which is elucidating upon the notion of challenges that occurs in the evaluation and monitoring of municipal practices. There are various loopholes in the municipal practices of South Africa. There are various factors, which are influential upon the practices of municipalities. Moreover, these factors also create challenges for the system.

The main purpose of this paper to elucidate upon those challenges and highlight their causes and understand the notion that why evaluation of the municipal practices and their monitor is considerably a challenge in the South African society and administrative system.

Start talking a bit of Municipal Office until the partnership to justify this course. The Institute of Municipal Administration is an institute that wants to be at the service of local and regional serving Municipalities, Association of Municipalities and NGOs with Institute of Municipal Administration exist as autonomous institution about a year, but it is growing for a few years by a foundation policy of South African origin (Atkinson, 2007). Works for the improvement of public administration with an array so strong that overflowed from South Africa. Today is dozens - almost a hundred - of countries around the world. In South Africa there for over ten years, and now - with the Municipal Office, which is its executive arm - is prepared not only to promote the deepening of principle and diffusion of knowledge applicable to public administration, but also to apply them with the provision of advisory services, planning and management training for local and regional administrations (Goebel, 2007).

My personal experience with public administration is to engineer Urbanist, the nearly thirty years working in the Planning and in recent years advising on regional planning.

So my activity in Public Administration offers me a different focus and I think this might be useful to establish some counterpoints in this debate. The administration in South Africa has various loopholes, which principally become, their self created, challenges for their system (Atkinson, 2007). However, it is needed to be put under consideration that what sources are creating these challenges. This study is formulated in order to understand the challenges that are evaluation and monitoring within the municipalities of South Africa.

Literature Review

In addressing the theme for this discussion - “Evaluation and Monitoring as Challenges in Municipalities” - Intellectuals approach it more from the standpoint of municipal and regional level, the new roles of the municipality and its new performance system (Nel & Rogerson, 2007).

Unlike the approach taken by the Institute of Municipal Administration regarding the concepts of municipalities and town - it considers inappropriate the legal point of view of the application of the designation of “cities” to “municipalities” (Xuza, 2007), since the city is not a personality legal, what is indisputable - for me, as an urban planner, is very friendly reference to ...