Money And Interest Rates

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Money and Interest Rates

Money and interest rates

Money and Interest Rate

All actions of government regulators, and in particular, central banks, influencing the finance and currency, are important factors in exchange rates. Currency price is determined primarily by supply and demand, coupled with that currency in the international market. Therefore, the exchange rates of major currencies are market, but the central bank has a number of tools with which they can have a significant impact on exchange rates. Applying these tools, central banks, based on the goals of its financial policies (the main one of which - the stability of national currency) and the specific situation, which is determined by the state of the economy, the competitive position of the country in the world market and political factors.

Therefore, the markets are always very closely not only for economies but also for finance statistics major trading countries, trying to predict for him the action of central banks. Familiarity with the provisions of the science of money and understanding of the meaning of policies pursued by the financial authorities is necessary for every trader who wants to plan intelligently their work in the foreign exchange market. (Epstein, 2003).

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