Module - Managerial And Professional Development

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Module - Managerial and Professional development

Module - Managerial and Professional development


The chosen topic for this particular action plan is conflict management. This paper will be generating an effective action plan which will useful for the resolution of various conflicts which arise in different organisations and are one of the most important concerns for the management. Conflict management falls in the category two which is “People Skills”, among the given categories for the assignment.

Action Plan

Conflicts arise at the work places due to the interaction among the human capital at different levels. In some of the cases these conflicts looks like almost unavoidable due to the situations which are being faced time to time. Conflict resolution is a really important tool which is for striking a synchronisation between the strategic options and the competing interests for the organisations (Mayer, 2000). Conflict management is being considered as a very effective element and it is being implemented vastly due to the following reasons:

There is a continuous pace of conflicts which is evident throughout the globe. These are due to the governance systems, violence on domestic and international levels, ethnic trouble, domestic violence, conflicts due to racial or religious view points and many others.

The other thing is that conflicts have also become an issue which is taken up actively by so many individuals like the local governments, international agencies and NGO like people (Bryson, 1988).

Another thing which is important at this level is that the basic techniques of conflict management are really developed in the recent years and this might be applicable in a relatively easier manner to so many situations.


Conflicts might emerge in any particular society when there is some sort of disagreements, dissimilarity, irritation, frustration, rivalry, or inequality for the people. The core basic aim of the constructive conflict management is seeking for the lasting resolution which basically creates equilibrium between the involved parties (Bryson, 1988, Mayer, 2000).


The fact is that the conflicts are the part of any society. They conflict management basically seeks for conversion between the conflicting interests in some of the constructive cooperation. If they are managed in a proper manner that these conflicts might serve as the means for achieving a much more sustainable channel for the sake of development through harmony building and combined actions (Watson-Thompson et al, 2008)

Designing a Conflict Resolution

At the time of devising a conflict resolution strategy the core element of the conflict is required to be analysed in a very efficient manner. There is also a need for getting an understanding of the roles of diverse players (Bryson, 1988, Diehl & Lepgold, 2003). There is a variety of tools which are available for managing the conflict which are inclusive of the following mentioned tools:


Active listening



Constructive dialogue

There are also various methods which are developed for implementing all of these options of conflict management. At the time of selecting any option, there must be some special attention which must be paid for the cultural aspects that are related to the conflict management ...