Module 5 Assignment No. 2 (A)

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Module 5 Assignment No. 2 (a)


Thesis of dissertation, as a matter of fact, has always remained the core requirement for the completion of doctoral degree (Columbia University, 2013). This process helps the students to learn about their area of study and research and also make them able to better pursue their career in the academic domain. Since the thesis has always remained a tedious task, most of the students ends up having incomplete thesis work and ultimately dropped out from the institutions without completion of their degrees (Cassuto, 2010). There is several books and content available for the successful completion of the thesis work; however, most of the lack in insight knowledge and latent elements that hinder this process. Due to time limit policy by most of the universities regarding the thesis completion, the students often become pregnant with the pressure of time frame (Wong, 2010).

In order to have better insight two interviews have been conducted from the students who have completed their thesis work. The information achieved from those interviews could give a better understanding regarding successful completion of the thesis work. However, the variables identified in these interviews are procrastination, insufficient training and balance between personal and academic life. These interviews proved fruitful in terms of the experience sharing and insight of the success of thesis completion. Hence, by adopting these variables, students can better complete their thesis work as a requirement for the doctoral degree.


The interviews conducted among the two persons who have successfully completed their thesis helped to dig vital information for the completion of thesis work; however, by analyzing the results of the interviews three important variables have been demonstrated namely: procrastination, insufficient training and balance of personal and academic life.


According to the survey of two students, the procrastination remained on top of the list, as a hindrance in completion of thesis work. Both of the students surveyed agreed on the notion that most of the students end up having incomplete thesis work due to procrastination. However, according to the analysis of interview, procrastination mainly occurs due to lack of proper strategy in completing the thesis work. Most of the students tend to postpone work due to their need of searching for extra data and studies relevant to their area of study. However, the procrastination multiplies with the passage of time and the thesis work ultimately suffers from this delay.

When the participants asked about ...