Module 3: Slp

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Module 3: SLP

Module 3: SLP


Lean Sigma is completely concerned about connecting different business tools, in spite of using every these tool individually. Though, there are no new additions in business tools, but the approach is strengthened by the usage of tools in a systematic manner i.e. in a sequence. This paper in relation to lean sigma, will dives a lean proposal for Toyota Motors' accounts payable department, recommending methods for the company to increase the efficiency of resource and department while reducing waste (Pande, Neuman & Cavanagh, 2000). It is important to construct a clear understanding regarding the theory related to tools; however, the following paper will devise how accounts payable department of Toyota Motors can apply a sequence of tools to achieve efficiency.

Problems in the Department

Accuracy, productivity and performance is the main problem in the accounts payable department of Toyota. Toyota in its overall manufacturing process has successfully implement lean process, but still there are some departments which needed consideration and accounts payable department is one of them. The current system in the department is time consuming, require more work which can be improved by application of appropriate lean techniques.

Expected Outcomes from Lean Project

The expected outcome of the lean project is to improve the overall productivity, performance and accuracy in accounts payable department of Toyota.

Discussion and Analysis

Number of versions are available for the Six Sigma Roadmap, however not every version have the ability to completely incorporate the Lean in the shape of truly structured Lean Sigma. In relation to this, following figure presents a complete version of an integrated approach, put together by the professionals of the industry (Bexcellence, 2008). This is important to present prior to the proposition of lean methods for accounts payable department of the company, as it will help in developing understanding regarding the proposed methods.

The 5S of lean is the most important element of this lean proposal, which will help company in enhancing the overall efficiency of the organization. The 5S of the lean stands for sorting, straightening or setting in order, sweeping or shine, standardizing and finally sustaining the practice. In context of 5S, following is the lean solution which will help the department in reducing waste and increasing its efficiency (Trent, 2008).


First of all, Toyota needs to sort the activities that are going on in the department. After that, it needs to identify activities which ...
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