Module 3 - Process Evaluation Plan

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Module 3 - Process Evaluation Plan

Process Evaluation Plan

Implementation evaluations are also knows as “process evaluations “indicates whether a program has been implemented or not, and why or why not? For conducting the evaluation process, it is essential for the researcher to examine whether those activities are going to take place, which is reached through specific activities, who is conducting the activities, and whether the adequate input is mobilized or allocated. The evaluation process is essential to help an individual for distinguishing the cause of bad performance that would be based on bad idea or it could be best idea but it could not implement effectively and properly. The process evaluation refers activities and involvement of assessing agencies to verify whether programs are operating in accordance with expectations and plan (Rossi et al., 2004). It also determines the implementation of designs and procedure. The evaluation process monitors the progress and corrects the mistakes. On the other side, outcome evaluation determines whether the process going into the right path. It monitors that intermediate and short term objectives are accomplishing according to plan and policy. The evaluation is there to achieve the ultimate goal. In all situations, the process evaluation calculate and measure whether the actual performance of program was faithful to the beginning plan of process (University of California, 2012).

Description of Sources of Data

For facilitating the knowledge exchange across different levels, Naylor established two major processes. First, it was ensured there was an individuals' engagement across the evaluation, assistance for teams, and educational stakeholders and their vertical integration (i.e. parents, teachers, trustees, principals, and superintendents) on the PAC (Naylor et al., 2006). Second, the researcher incorporated early and showing continuous reflection on the emerging data and its evidence. This was mainly obtained by; 1) discussing the plans of evaluation and research the particular evidence at each meeting, 2) providing the evaluation data process to the stake holders and developers of program immediately after 6 months, 3) Presenting the data of baseline within specific 4 months period of beginning the evaluation, 4) remaining indulged with multiple stakeholders (the reason of asking to stay engage beyond the pilot), and 5) actively involving the stakeholders in planning and dissemination for the purpose of sustainability. Furthermore, the support teams and their evaluation established more connections with the community partners and stakeholders (e.g., recreation and parks association, school superintendents, parent advisory councils, and healthy living coalitions) by the ...