Module 3- Case: Evaluation Questions & Data Collection

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Module 3- Case: Evaluation Questions & Data Collection

Module 3- Case: Evaluation Questions & Data Collection


Evaluation research is defined by Powel (2006) as “a type of study that uses standard social research methods for evaluative purposes, as a specific research methodology, and as an assessment process that employs special techniques unique to the evaluation of social programs” (p. 102). There are several methods for performing evaluation, including the input measurement, output/performance measurement, service quality assessment, outcomes /impact assessment, benchmarking, process evaluation, standards, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, organizational effectiveness, cost analysis, LIS-centered methods and program evaluation methods. The steps of planning and carrying out an evaluation study and the process of measurement are substantial aspects of evaluation research. The measurement process involves the data collection and the application of techniques for data gathering.

Background of the Case

In an economically depressed area, an after-school program is located, which utilizes the local elementary school facilities to provide free after-school care from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. for the neighborhood's children. The goals of program are provision of a safe and supervised environment for latchkey children and to improve their academic performance via academic enrichment activities.

The aim of this paper is to provide some examples of evaluation questions that might provide answers to stakeholders in the after-school program, and to determine the methods of data collection that would be suitable for drawing answers to these questions.

Case Analysis

Steps for Evaluation

While evaluating a program, six interlinked steps can be used as a foundation to tailor an evaluation for a particular effort, at a particular point in time. The basis for ensuing progress is provided by the initial steps. The evaluation steps include:

Engage stakeholders: The first step in program evaluation is engaging stakeholders that are engaged in program operations; those affected or served by the program; and ...
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