Module 2 - Session Long Project - Managing Growth And Downsizing

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MODULE 2 - Session Long Project - Managing Growth and Downsizing

MODULE 2 - Session Long Project - Managing Growth and Downsizing

Van Iddekinge, C. H., Ferris, G. R., Perrewé, P. L., Perryman, A. A., Blass, F. R., & Heetderks, T. D. (2009). Effects of selection and training on unit-level performance over time: a latent growth modeling approach. Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 94 no. (4)

This study indicated changes in selection and training with a corresponding effect over the performance of the unit. Further analysis indicated that the impact of training is much vivid on performance of unit.

May, J. H., Bazzoli, G. J., & Gerland, A. M. (2006). Hospitals' responses to nurse staffing shortages. Health Affairs, vol. 25 no. (4)

This study was conducted over the shortages of nurses in the hospital settings, however, it was ascertained that the educating the nurses led to the enhanced fulfillment of staffing needs. Furthermore, the doubt pertaining to the needs of future can also be mitigated through this.

Ployhart, R. E. (2006). Staffing in the 21st century: New challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal of Management, vol. 32 no. (6)

Staffing is one of the most gruesome topic which have been neglected by researchers over the period of time. However, the need is to amalgamate these critical needs to the organizational objectives so that a comprehensive approached can be chalked out to fulfill the future needs of recruitment and selection.

Arthur Jr, W., Bennett Jr, W., Edens, P. S., & Bell, S. T. (2003). Effectiveness of training in organizations: a meta-analysis of design and evaluation features. Journal of Applied psychology, vol. 88 no. (2)

The aim of this study was to gauge the effectiveness of training in organization. However, results comprehensively supported the notion of training in terms of its effect from medium to large size organizations. Furthermore, attributes of tasks and associated skills were related to effectiveness of training.

Estache, A., Laffont, J. J., & Zhang, X. (2004). Downsizing with labor sharing and collusion. Journal of development economics, vol. 73 no. (2)

This study helped to ascertain that the within the downsizing mechanism, the shifting of labor depends on the comparative advantage that a worker has both in public and private production sectors. Furthermore, the downsizing mechanism is much easy if the size of organizations is relatively small.

Elbadri, A. N. A. (2001). Training practices of Polish companies: an appraisal and agenda for improvement. Journal of European Industrial Training, vol. 25 no. (2/3/4)

The aim of this study was to find out the training practices in the polish organizations, since huge investment is made in this area over the period of time. The results indicated that most of the organizations does not comprehensively utilize the efficacy of training needs and fail to adhere to results.

Chong, A., & Galdo, J. (2006). Does the quality of training programs matter? Evidence from bidding processes data (No. 2202). IZA Discussion Papers

Findings of this study indicated that individuals who receive the training courses of high quality, their average treatment impact is much more than those ...