Modernity - Design And Culture

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Modernity - Design and Culture

Modernity - Design and Culture

The term modernity refers to a set of political, economic, social, and cultural processes usually traced back to forms of knowledge and practice that emerged in Europe around the 16th through the 18th centuries, a period often termed the Enlightenment. The philosophies associated with the Enlightenment have been much debated and modified over the centuries, but their central principles of the primacy of reason and the autonomy of the individual continue to underpin dominant forms of social order in today's global context. Typically implied in the concept of modernity are a sense of rupture with the past and tradition and a sense of progress toward a society governed by greater rationality, justice, and truth. Modernization is a concept that has been used to understand social and economic change on both sides of the French Atlantic. This has often been seen as evidence of their “late modernization” in comparison with Britain, the United States, and Anglo-Canada. This points to one of the criticisms that have been made of modernization theory: that it posits a single or normative model of social and economic development, placing all those who do not conform to such a model in a position of temporal lag.

Throughout the history, of art have been painters and sculptors who have used musical references in his works. The modern composer can be based on a painting as a stimulus to trigger a colourist arsenal or to facilitate the creation and understanding of environment particular. Music is the art of producing sounds and, chords combine all the elements of sound creation, instruments, rhythms, sounds, ring tones, ringbones, serial organization, melodies, harmonies. At its most primal, music is the art of producing and combining sounds in a manner so pleasing to the ear, that his soul-stirring modulations.

The heraldic phenomenon was a very old one, and was first signalled in Antiquity, evolving and reaching its highest peak in the Middle Age. The official coat of arms of a state is the synthesis of its history. Thus, starting the research with Wallachia's, Moldavia's and Transylvania's coats of arms and their diverse representations, reaching the moment of the Union of the Romanian principalities, then widen this research to the European heraldic area. This science uses sources such as seals, coins, tombstones, architectural monuments, therefore making use of other historical sciences such as palaeography and numismatics.

Christian art was a result of emergence from Roman art, which was adapted in such a way as to express religious beliefs and thoughts. The Italian art emerged from ancient art, mixed with Gothic and Byzantine influences. The Roman art was the constant source of inspiration throughout the next 14 centuries in the Italian history of visual arts. The emergence of Italian art is a blend of uniqueness, Byzantine and Gothic art.

13th Century (Italian Duecento)

In the mid-13th century, the transformation of Italian is of a considerable significance with the contribution of Dante and later of Petrarch and ...
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