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Social Theory and Modernity


In this research paper we would try to discuss the concepts of social theory and modernity. Similarly, we would try to critically analyze the work of Mr. Bauman. We would discuss different concepts that he has presented and try to analyze and discuss them with detail. Mr. Bauman was a proponent of liquid modernity and preferred it in favor of Post Modernity. Furthermore, we would also compare his theories and concepts with other sociologists. We will also discuss the “final solution” which was a plan by the Nazis of Germany to completely destroy the Jews. In defining the Holocaust and Final solution, Mr. Bauman has focused greatly on the failure of modernity to stop and prevent holocaust. Similarly, he has emphasized on the need of rationalization in the modern societies. Meanwhile, we would also discuss the views of Bowman on Holocaust. Moreover we would also compare the views of Bauman with the documentary Auschwitz - The Blueprint of Genocide.


Critical Analysis and Commentary on Zygmunt Bauman's work

Although the works of the Bauman can be identified as indirectly relevant to the criticism of development but Bauman is not a theorist of development. His most recent works which changes his opinions to liquid modernity from post modernity (Bauman, 2000) brings him nearer to the queries of the development. Some of these questions are related to redrawing the class lines, expanding the markets, consequences of internet labor and the problems of consumption. In one of his recent interviews with Keith Tester (Bauman and Tester, 2001), he gave his views regarding increasing complexities with post modernity. Similarly, he attributed this with a huge range of social transformations. He professed liquid modernity and believed that it is a more appropriate term to define and explain different continuities and changes in modernity.

In many books Bauman has been criticized severely due to his confrontation with modernity (Beilharz, 2000, Smith ,2000, Tester, 2004). Many of the sociologists have no problem with intellectual journey of Bauman but they are worried about his term choice for a condition that was known as postmodern. If liquid modernity is regarded as a more suitable term than post modernity, how its usage will define the present status of modernity. Will this term make any difference in the development process of modern societies? Bauman has actually chosen the term liquid modernity over post modernity due to the declining response of the people to the postmodernism which is on decline.

This decline has emerged due to the as post modernism has failed to go beyond the criticism of foundationalism. Post modernism failed to define the concepts of social change and social action. Similarly, it reduced the society to a system where only differences prevailed. Furthermore it discouraged the roles of the different actors and agents from the society. Although Post modernism challenged the s power structure of modernity but unfortunately it failed to present any alternative structure. The reason for this was that it was extremely against ...
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