Television is one of the most common hobbies that people all around the world share. People in all countries watch television as a leisure activity and now, with the advent of smart televisions that have computing and internet capabilities integrated in them, televisions are being used for a lot more than just leisure viewing. Television has changed many different forms and shapes since the time it was created. In this paper, we shall discuss television from two different perspectives: one is the shape and form of the television (the hardware) and the other is the content (the media that is shown on the television).
Television has changed its form and shape as well its content from the time it was created to what it has become today. During the time of the World War 2, television served as a communication medium and a medium to inform the masses of what was happening on the fields. It is a medium that is used for political awareness, transmitting sports and other such updates and as a medium for leisure activities. The showbiz industry is one of the richest and fastest growing industries in the world right now.
Comparing the content that television displays, we can note a huge difference. Previously, the content on television was divided mostly into three things: sports, news and entertainment (movies and songs). Now, the content has been split into dozens of different sub topics like reality shows, reality based movies, professional documentaries, dance and singing shows and political debates. Previously, television used to be about delivering news to the public. Now, news channels make politicians sit live and debate all the issues. Similarly, movies are also changing. Previously, movies focused more on fiction and animation, now they are focusing more on reality. Examples of such movies include the ...