Use of Desiccant (clay, silica gel, molecular sieve)15
V: Benefits and Challenges to Current Packaging15
Benefits of Modern technology for Packaging15
Current challenges to packaging16
VI: Conclusion17
Modern Technologies in Pharmaceutical Packaging
I: Introduction
What is Packaging?
Packaging is "the actual container or wrap". The Worldnet also gives a functional definition of packaging that 'packaging is a wrapped or boxed object, a parcel, a container in which something is packed for storage or transportation. (2003) The "Terms of Environment" provides a more marketing focussed definition of packaging that 'packaging is the wrapping material around a consumer item that services to contain, identify, protect, display, promotion and other wise make the product marketable and keep it clean'. (EPA)
Standards for Packaging
According to the Issue Paper (1997), the categories of packaging are divided into three parts:
(a) Principal packaging: Primary packaging can also be regarded as sales packaging. It packages the product as a unit for sale to the consumer.
(b) Derived packaging: Secondary packaging is a certain number of sale units which are constituted as a group, which helps consumers easily transport the product and allows retailers to display products expediently. It can also be called as grouped packaging. It does not have any impact on the characteristics of products if the packaging is removed from them.
(c) Tertiary packaging: Tertiary packaging is designed to transport several sales units together and prevent them from damage in transit. So this can also be referred as transport packaging. (ISSUE PAPER 1997)
It is important for a graphic designer to understand the meaning and the different categories of packaging in order to ensure designers design appropriate packaging for different purpose.
Quality Testing of Packaging Materials
As regulators increasingly look for proof of pharmaceutical product stability throughout the supply chain, it is critical for manufacturers to ensure that pharmaceuticals maintain stable temperatures and endure handling from warehouse - to transit - to shelf. Sampling tables, test procedures and acceptance criteria for the incoming inspection of various packaging
materials, e.g.
Bottles and caps
Plastic films and foils
Syringes and carpules
Rubber stoppers
Objectives of Packaging
The packaging material and equipment consists of a vast range of devices and supplies used for forming, filling, sealing, wrapping, cleaning and packing products used in medical institutions, hospitals, nursing homes and pharmaceutical industry. Packaging is considered as the science, art and technology of enveloping products for distribution, storage, and use. The main functions of packaging are to contain, protect, preserve, transport, and inform.
Packaging provides physical protection from forces such as shock, vibration, compression, temperature, in addition to offering barrier protection from external influences including water vapor, dust, oxygen, etc. The information function of packaging ensures communications on product use, transport, recycle, or disposal. Some information about pharmaceuticals, medical, and chemical products is required by governments under the ...