Modern Movement Of Curriculum

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Modern Movement of Curriculum in Elementary Education

Modern Movement of Curriculum in Elementary Education


There is an overwhelming amount of scientific and anecdotal evidence that indicates that the elementary school experience is one of the most significant forces that shapes the lives of children. It is impossible to overstate the importance of a good elementary education in tenns of building a foundation for a lifetime of school-related learning. Because of its nature, there has been due recognition given to it in the past and there are options/alternatives being tried at present providing future directions to elementary education. The importance of elementary education in the lives of people has been stated by some authorities in the field of education. Goodlad and Sharie (1973). for example. suggested that in quantitative terms elementary education enrolls the largest proportion of money spent on formal education and brings the largest return from this education investment to both the state and the individual. In qualitative terms the elementary school educates during the most critical and formative years. Similarly, Shribner and Knox (1973) pointed to the importance of elementary education that the elementary school is the focus of attention for several reasons. First. it provides a formal and social success in society. Second. psychological study reveals that self-concepts are formed during childhood. The elementary school years appear to have a cumulative impact greater than other levels of schooling since boys and girls in urban environments may receive little or may receive little or no secondary education but almost attend the full complement of elementary years”(p.327). The purpose of the paper is to overview of elementary education: past, present, and future with special reference to its organization, nature of program and teaching strategies.


In a book entitled Elementary School Organization and Administration, Otto (1964) mentioned that there is no federal system of education in the United States. Therefore, each state provides for public education through its constitution and status. He also stated that the local school district is a creature of the state, established by the state to do the states business and organization of the district and of the individual elementary school is controlled to some extent by the state. Similarly, organization within the individual school is shaped by the state. It can be said that the individual elementary school is an organization within organizations and have authority to do what is necessary to fulfill its responsibility.

The literature suggests that the roots of elementary education in the United States are deep and strong. Otto (1973) stated that “ the numerous significant forms that are badly needed today in elementary education can draw on the ideas of the past. The ideas pioneered before 1900 may now seen dated, quaint, and prosaic, but our vision of tomorrow is all the clearer and the margin of our vision all the wider because we can stand on the branches that have grown from education's first roots in the New World” ...
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