Modern Day Wars

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Modern day Wars

Modern day Wars


Globalization, understood as greater interconnection at different levels-political, economic, cultural and military-is apparently jeopardizing the sovereignty by blurring the borders and allow contact more people to levels that the state apparatus cannot control. Wars are also being modified not only the actors who participate in them, but also in how they are funded, who is most affected and how to get at least a temporary solution that allows long-term agreements. In this paper, we are going to do analysis of a new war definition given by Mary Kaldor, opposed to the old wars.


The development of what is commonly called "war", i.e. a state activity that involves the organization and mobilization of citizens for the purpose of physical violence, with a particular logic is closely linked to the establishment of the modern state. Kaldor differentiates between four stages of development of the "old wars" described below according to the form taken by the State, the objectives of the war, the type of armed force, military technique and type of war economy which is carried out. During the nineties, millions of people have died in fighting in Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Asia, and millions more have become refugees or displaced. In fact, it has begun in areas endemic conflicts that seem eternally at war, latent conflicts that reach a perverse stability.

In this innovative analysis, Mary Kaldor argues that in the context of globalization, what we conceive as war? It is a war between states in which the objective is to inflict maximum violence. It is becoming an anachronism. In its place has emerged a new type of organized violence, the author calls new war, which can be defined as a mixture of war, organized crime and human rights violations on a large scale. Interest is international and local, public and private. They fight for particular political goals and tactics used terror and destabilization that are theoretically prohibited by the rules of modern warfare. These conflicts pit, rather than the factions together, them with a cosmopolitan conception of the world, which is the real victim. Moreover, these new wars generate and are sustained by an underground economy and criminalized.

Kaldor argues that globalization is breaking vertically organized cultures. That is, secular national cultures that are organized based on vernaculars vertically to allow people to be part of modernity, whether in contact with government or industry. What we find ...
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