Modern Art

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“How Modern Art was influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the Theories of Freud and Darwin”


The purpose of this paper is to discuss modern art and how it has been influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the theories of Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. There is a lot that can be learnt from art and this paper highlights the different affects that arose due to the said theories. During the time of the Industrial Revolution, there was a revolution of social and economic change. This revolution greatly affected the type of art produced.

“How Modern Art was influenced by the Industrial Revolution and the Theories of Freud and Darwin”


Modern Art has been influenced by many people and times that have prevailed. The most significant influences have been from the Industrial Revolution and theories of Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin. There came a time when art had to be a depiction of reality, and real life was to be the focal point of all modern art. Art used to be an imaginary transformation of the world. For some, the various influences on modern art, are seen as chaotic and incomprehensible (CAJ, 2010).


Industrial Revolution

The influence of the Industrial Revolution on modern art has great significance. The complete definition of art began to change during the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the revolution, art was a celebration of the society and its ideologies. The Industrial Revolution influenced modern art to become totally subversive. The focus of art was on myths and the mythic constellation. However, it transformed into a focus on the civilization and the bourgeois. At the time, art was mainly for the bourgeois; therefore, it had to relate to them (Klingender, 1942).

The main problem was to depict the modernism in society and make that the new style or attitude of art. It was the process of finding the modern issues that confused artists of the time. The role of art changed along with the role of the artist. This was due to the fact that the roles of people were changing. There was massive social and economic change occurring, which isolated artists. They were not able to relate to the changes due to their differing conditions.

The development of modern art went along with the development of the Industrial Revolution. The avant-garde were those artists who kept up with the tastes and expectations of people in the society. The social and economic revolution ...
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