Model Of Childcare Presentation

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Model of Childcare Presentation

Model of Childcare Presentation


For this model of Childcare Presentation, the topic has been chosen by me is the Andrew Fleck Child Care Services, Ottawa and the target audience is Toddlers, which are the children between the age-groups of one and three. The ages of toddlers are a great time to be developed in terms of cognitive, social, and emotional development.

Child care is a wide-ranging topic that covers all the activities, contexts, cultural and social constitutions, and institutions for the supervision and care of children under infancy till the ages of thirteen years.


Andrew Fleck Child Care Services (AFCCS) is one of the most-diversified and oldest charitable, non-profit, multi-service premature learning, organizations of childcare and family support in Ontario. It commenced its operations in the year 1911 and was built-in as a charitable association in the year 1920 under the legalized title of The Ottawa Day Nursery Inc. Later on, its former name changed to Andrew Fleck Child Care Services on behalf of its sponsor Mrs. Andrew Fleck who donated the building of organization in the year 1932 at 195 George Street.

AFCCS has constantly taken a role of leadership in the community of childcare and in education of premature childhood. Over the preceding 100 decades, in accordance with the varying requirements of the community, it has incorporated several programs of inventive programs and extended the organization for providing wide-dimensional services that meet the requirements of the diversified premature learning and childcare requirements of the families in the Ottawa City (Online Website, 2008).


The main agenda of this service institution is to provide developmental and learning care to children in order to support their families to the best. In short, they ultimately support the overall community with their diversified services.


AFCCS provides benefit to the community from ...
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