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The world was, is and I guess it will be full of conflicts between people, between regions and countries due to differences in the way of thinking, feeling and acting. If these differences are not known, analyzed and understood, it will be difficult to work or do business or live in a country with people who think, feel and act differently. (Geert Hofstede)

Task 1

Culture is an integrated system of beliefs, norms, and representations of reality or values shared by a group or global society. It is a collective phenomenon. There is a culture good-bad, inferior-superior. Each culture is relative to other cultures in the way of seeing and perceiving the world. People from different cultures perceive the world differently and have different ways of doing and seeing things. There are both visible and invisible aspects that define and characterize a national culture. Among the former are the language, writing, and manners. These are characteristics that have an impact on everything every day (Thomas and Alexander, 2009, pp. 385-402). While the issues are those that are invisible to privacy as styles in decision making in the negotiation process in the shareholding system aspects related to values ??and beliefs. To better understand the impact of culture on trade and international business. Several researchers have developed ways to describe categories of differences in national cultures and how they affect organizations.

Hofstede analyzed 70 countries and simplifies complex socio-cultural patterns of conduct in five simple indicators:

Power Distance Index (PDI):

The index of power distance refers to the degree of acceptance in the less powerful members of a culture, power differences, and inequality. The PDI will be greater to the extent that these differences in social and hierarchical structures (such as companies, institutions or families) are more pronounced and generally accepted. As far as USA in concerned it has a high PDI which indicates that there is equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families (O'Reilly et al, 1997, pp. 183-208). This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment. Whereas, in Argentine PDI is even more high which shows that there is a greater degree of acceptance in the less powerful members of a culture, power differences, and inequality.

Individualism (IDV):

The IDV define the level at which individuals are integrated into society and the feeling of belonging. Argentine is a society with a high IDV and therefore, individuals tend to worry about themselves and their immediate families. As far as USA is concerned there is much less IDV in American society (Meyer and Thomas, 2004, pp. 18-20).

Masculinity (MAS):

As far as MAS is concerned USA and Argentine both are having a moderate type of scores. This means that both the cultures a higher degree of gender differentiation of roles (Simons et al, 1999, pp. 662-673). The male controls a major part of the culture and authority structure in both the countries.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI):

USA has low UAI which is indicative of a society that has fewer rules and does not attempt to control all ...