Mod 2 - Ca Hiring Practices And Legal Compliance

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Mod 2 - CA Hiring Practices and Legal Compliance

Mod 2 - CA Hiring Practices and Legal Compliance


The hiring practices have been revamped by the technological advancements in terms of social media. This enabled the traditional reference checking with modern methods of conduct investigation. This paper discusses several issues pertaining to hiring practices and legal compliance. Many organizations prefer the new methods while other remains in favor of traditional approach.


The human resources managers face a great deal of hurdle while verifying the information of employees and checking for references. The various methods such as internet and social networking websites provide information which might mislead the managers and consequently result in negligent hiring. Different aspects pertaining to these issues are illustrated in the paper which should be considered by human resource managers in investigation practices.

Recommendations to Private-Sector Organizations Regarding Conduct Investigation & Pre-Employment Inquiries

Experts are more inclined towards the traditional approaches in conduct investigation and pre-employment inquiries. This is due to the fact that people needs to be cross checked in order to confirm with the legal compliance. The issues related to employment inquisition have impact on organization overall. Therefore, management prefers a secure side of conduction by thoroughly investigating the past records of the individual. The social media offers the ability to every individual that he/she can edit the information as per will and decision. Thus, social media is not regarded as the credible source of reference checking (Kleiman, 1991). This is the reason that private sector organizations usually base their decision considering the induction after checking in traditionally via phone calls and past records verification.

It is highly recommended to organizations to decide the employee reliability and integrity after cross checking the references by all means necessary to ensure the legal compliance. In this case, the decision should not ...