Mobile Tv

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Mobile TV

Executive Summary

In January, 2006, XVD's competitor On2 Technologies announced their partnership with XM to provide XM Satellite Video service by using its True Motion VP7 video compression technology. Similarly, XM's competitor Sirius is furthermore designing to roll out its in-car video service in 2008. As wireless TV is progressively considered the new murdered application in the wireless telecom world, it has suggested new opportunities to device-makers, content manufacturers and advertisers, and value-chain infrastructures owner and operators. It also provides XVD new market possibilities with every vendor above with its world's most sophisticated real-time video compression technology.

Table of Contents


Market analysts3

Marketing Segmentations and New Market Applications6

The Users Needs Insight7

User Perceive and Latent Needs8

Branding Strategy, Distribution Channel and business Model9



Mobile TV


The main media of the future will be computers and mobile phones. These technologies will become increasingly important in the everyday lives of children and young people. Children will learn to use computers at preschool age, either in their homes or preschool institutions. A number of games and websites are already available for the youngest children, and more will be developed. Computers will increase in significance as the children grow older, with this multimedia machine functioning as a game player, a communication tool (email and chat), a means of personal expression (websites and personal profiles), a site for Internet access, and a tool for homework; the computer will often contain a CD-ROM and DVD player. In addition, the Internet will be used for consuming other media—for downloading music (e.g., to an iPod), skimming the main news or newspaper headlines, listening to the radio, and watching programs one missed on TV. The Internet may also be used for shopping or for keeping in contact with friends, for example, through instant messaging. More young people will also acquire Web cameras; especially for teenagers with a boy- or girl-friend, this will be a popular way to keep in touch across geographical distances.

Market analysts

ABI study outlooks that global market for mobile TV services will augment to about 250 millions users by 2011, creating market income of $27 billion worldwide. It is currently presumed founded on market research that users will "snack" on 15-20 minutes of TV programming at a time to catch up on report, sports, weather, foremost events such as the World Cup or Olympics, and more in real-time using their portable handheld at speeds comparable to watching their favorite TV programs when on the go.

Mobile TV services need compression schemes that offer high picture quality at reduced facts and figures rates optimized for broadband IP networking. The XVD's chopping brim codec technologies are perfect for live and on demand video services at key facts and figures rates appropriate for transmission over satellite and terrestrial systems to wireless devices. XVD actually has only two major merchandise lines in digital streaming Camcast and analog streaming Camcast applications. By leveraging XVD's next lifetime compression expertise, XVD has the capability to continue into this new wireless television market and evolve a new line of product -- ...
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