Mobile Application

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Mobile Application

[Name of the Professor]


The paper aims to provide the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile based application relating to geo-location and customer data and how it uses wireless access to send and receive data and does not use the desktop system and the benefits realized by consumers by the use of mobile application and because of ability to gain access over it. In the later section of the paper discuses about the challenges which arises with the small screen size of the mobile devices and which platform uses the best methods and is most popular amongst the users and in the end a discussion is done on the mobile phone security and hackers access to the mobile devices.

Table of Content



Authorization and Authentication11



Configuration Management12

Data Access12

Device Specifics12

Exception Management12


Porting Application13

Power Management13



User Interface14

What Platform to use-Android is the best choice!14


Mobile Application


This term paper gives an idea about the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile based application which captures geo-locations and uses the GPS data to process the information without the use of a desktop computer and the mobile application, consumers' benefits over the ability to gain access.

The later section of the paper discuses about the challenges which arises with the small screen size of the mobile devices and which platform uses the best methods and is most popular amongst the users and in the end a discussion is done on the mobile phone security and hackers access to the mobile devices.

As we stand at the end of what has been called the 'Third Industrial Revolution', we can say that the initial estimates have not been reflected accurately in the current business reality. It is true that the performance of certain tasks or functions have been streamlined, and because the system of technology is available today for all companies in the market, so that its possession is not a competitive advantage but a resource, basic companies are required to acquire this business competitiveness through innovation in products and or services offered to the market, and above all marked trends, which have to be the first to launch thereof. This is only achieved through the dedication on the part of workers, increased performance of their duties, as opposed to those that developed a few years ago.

The implementation of mobile technologies in the companies is revolutionizing the market. The necessary and sufficient condition that is contributing to this revolution to occur is that mobile technologies allow all employees to perform their functions from anywhere in the building at any time because the information they need to efficiently develop its functions as required is always available.

In many works of science fiction, it is common to find characters that use certain appliances with the touch of a button carried by the air at great speed, drive belts species. Other than the use of control are capable of remote control what happens in the house. Open and close the garage door, send food to the oven and to have a mechanical dog brings the slippers Cundo arrive from work and ...
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