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MLA Research Paper


Egyptian civilization evolved and crystallized the principles of "central government" around the year 3200 BC. M. Where the King Mena Standardization of the North and South kingdoms of Egyptian. . Division of the history of Egypt for thirty families until the entry of Alexander the Great, Egypt and the date when the gaps overlooked by many periods of the rulers of Egypt: Under the governor of Egypt makes it Msraam divinity since the unification of 3200 BC. M. And even the occupation of the Roman Egypt. * 2772 BC. M. The Egyptians knew that calendar year, 365 days. * 2700 BC. M.King Djoser built his pyramid at Saqqara pyramid known as the runway. * 2560 BC. M. The king built the Cheops Pyramid , which has been the highest building in the world until the 13th century. * 2260 BC. M events of the story took place Eloquent Peasant * 2050 BC. Became a good Luxor during the Middle Kingdom capital of Egypt. * 2000 BC. M. Egypt tamed cats to catch snakes and progress in astronomy and predict the date the flood . * 1786 BC. M. Hyksos who came to Egypt as traders and proceeding in the turbulent century before, occupying the north of Egypt and brought the horse and the wheel and a strong influence due to internal problems in Egypt. * 1600 BC. M. Revolution against the Hyksos in Upper Egypt it spread all over Egypt. * 1560 BC. M. Ahmose expelled the Hyksos and the rest of the Asian tribes, founding the modern state and the country became a colonial state and took over most of the ancient world. * 1500 BC. M. Use the pallets .

The era of this country a comprehensive renaissance in all aspects of life, where reached by Egyptian hieroglyphics any pattern the Bible, and founded Memphis as the first capital of the country and interested in the Kings to secure the country's borders and has been active trade movement between Egypt and Sudan * and Egypt received pm prosperous in its history known as the era builders of the pyramids, and witnessed this day and age to build the first pyramid in Egypt and the world is the pyramid of Djoser, known pyramid of Saqqara , which is the first stone structure in the world and held the year 2861 BC. m , and with the development of art, agriculture and industry use the Egyptians were the first fleet of river road to transport their products • The total maritime affair and has become a great organization like any other craft of the character established by the renowned ancient Egypt, and in this era ruled families of the Third Dynasty to the Sixth Dynasty. (Nicholson et al. 331-340)

Preceded by the Middle Kingdom (2040 - 1640 BC. M.) First Middle Age , which ruled the dynastic period starting from the seventh to tenth, which ended the division of the country, to come to the Middle Kingdom began from the pharaoh ...
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