Mla Research Paper

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MLA Research Paper


The only way the body of Christ can ever hope to gain the items and territory thieved by the devil is to gain revelation, through the Holy essence, of who we are in Christ Jesus. Until we completely realise and receive this revelation in our hearts, we will be beaten in every area of our inhabits. The devil understands who is grave about the things of God, who prays, who is in intimate connection with God, and those who understand who they are in Christ. In addition, because of that, He will try to cast doubt, fear, and intimidation to keep us from using the power and authority we have in Christ Jesus. (Masters, 329)

Walking in Spiritual Authority

As long as we remain ignorant of the devil's devices and our delegated power and authority, Satan is not at all concerned or threatened by us. Satan could care less what power and authority you possess. He just does not want us to gain faith enough to use it, because we then become a serious threat to his kingdom and his spoils. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10: 4, 5).

Once the kingdom of Satan has been desolated in your life, you must replace something in its place. You begin to feed your spiritual house with spiritual food. You must plant the seed of the Word of God. If you do not do this, Satan's demons spirits will come back to reclaim what he loss. Satan is relentless and He will not give up territory he has inhabited or held for years without a fight (Luke 11:24-26).

We have to be totally “sold out” for Jesus; everything we are, everything we are not, (Masters, 329) and everything we have must be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We must continually renew the spirit of our minds to the Word of God. We must allow the Lord to strip us of everything that is not like Him and replace it with the attributes of Jesus Christ. We must not allow sin and destructive behaviors to control our lives anymore. This can only be accomplished through Christ Jesus; we are not equipped to change ourselves. It is only ...
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