Mixing Children With Adult In Same Room

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Mixing Children with Adult in Same Room

Mixing Children with Adult in Same Room


Children are more delicate when it comes on different diseases and their reactions. They are much more reactant to the bacteria viruses which make them always in potential threat from all other adult patients. Chronic diseases which need dialysis to be performed are diseases which are caused in different age groups. The patients of this particular disease are mostly adults and comparatively pediatrics is less infected by this. Psychological aspects are also studied in this research along with the medical related issues. After going through various facts associated this topic it can be recommended in the end that adults and pediatrics dialysis patients are two groups with extremely diversified needs related to their health and environment as well. In spite of the fact that there are lesser amounts of such patients throughout the world luckily, there is still a need of their separate accommodations.


Mixing Children with Adult in Same Room1


Infections and Allergies2

Medical Error Associated3

Growth Hormone Use in Pediatric Hemodialysis Patients4

Pediatric Serum Bicarbonate increased by Sevelamer Carbonate5

Therapies for Pediatric Hemodialysis Patients6

High Blood Pressure in Pediatric Hemodialysis7

Psychological Factors8



Mixing Children with Adult in Same Room


The term pediatric basically means the patients which are between the age of 0 to 19 (Krueger & Allsteadt, 2008, p. 217). Due to an increase in number of children in need of hemodialysis, this issue has become important and widely discussed by so many researchers. There is a serious lacking of pediatric nephrologists and such facilities are also not available in an ample number. This makes it difficult for such children and their families. This is the reason that most of such children are receiving their required dialysis therapies in institutes which are basically for adult patients (Elpers et al, 2004, p. 689).

Children are more delicate when it comes on different diseases and their reactions. They are much more respondent to the bacteria viruses which make them always in potential threat from all other adult patients. Chronic diseases which need dialysis to be performed are diseases which are caused in different age groups. The patients of this particular disease are mostly adults and comparatively pediatrics is less infected by this according to (Krueger & Allsteadt, 2008, p. 218).

Reasons behind these medical disorders in adult and pediatric are entirely different. Aging issues which are mostly considered to be the reason behind such renal diseases are not a problem for the children with younger body organs. The reasons definitely entirely different and need a different level of concentration. A more severe issue it is of course as it is affecting a more delicate and attention seeking age group. Medical staff and issues like their proper trainings are also important aspects to be considered.

The settling of pediatric hemodialysis patients in different adult facilities is an outcome of different obvious determinants behind it. The simplest argument against this happening is that children are not small adults in any ...