Mississippi House Bill 999: Abstinence-Only Vs. Abstinence Plus

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Mississippi House Bill 999: Abstinence-only vs. Abstinence plus

Table of Contents



Mississippi House Bill 999 (description) 10005

Abstinence-only education6

Abstinence-plus education7

Prevalence of Abstinence-Plus Education/Abstinence-Only Education in Southern States8





Literature Review13




Mississippi House Bill 999: Abstinence-only vs. Abstinence plus


Sexual health does not relate to only the physical health of an individual. It also encompasses mental, emotional and social aspects. Merely absence of diseases does not indicate a good sexual health. It is a holistic emotional, physical and social experience, ranging from sexual relationships to sexual experience without any violence, discrimination, and free from coercion.

Sex Education is the name of formal programs involving instructions on a variety of issues, related to human sexuality, which includes sexual intercourse, reproductive health, rights and responsibilities, sexual anatomy, abstinence, and contraception. Formal programs include that of school, public health campaign etc., however, the First Avenue of knowledge, a child has, is the parents and caregivers.

According to Burt, the study of the characteristics beings, a male and female is known as Sex Education. According to Kearney, the sex education encompasses the topics of sexual orientation, body image, sexual relations, sexual activities, birth control, safe sex, values and decisions regarding sexual aspects in life.

Sex related issues were considered a taboo in earlier times, not to be discussed by adolescents. Early life marriages were common. However, as the society came in the age we live in, marriages began to delay, until mature age. This increased the chances of children getting involved in sex with partners other than they should be engaged legitimately.


Initially the sex education was instituted with strong opposition from society and parents. Religious groups were furious with these programs of government. It seems that, with time, this has become an acceptable thing now, as we will be discussing the survey results in favor of sex education in detail.

The information obtained by children can vary from informal, verbal advice from parents or friends to highly formal, part of the school curriculum. A survey conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion (2011, November) enquired the adults regarding their sources of sex knowledge in their teen years. This study was conducted in Canada, Britain and USA. The results revealed that, 74 per cent in Canada, 67 per cent in Britain and 63 percent in the United States, said that talking to friends was the source of information in their teen years. The next reputable source was the media (movies, television, magazines). These sources may give information far from reality, giving an impression that sex is common, “everyone is doing it!”

Sex is not only an activity in isolation. Its effects produce a ripple, affecting the whole society. When a teen engages in sex, he/she is considered to have committed sin. Therefore, decreasing his/her value in the eyes of religious community. This is only the beginning of problems for those committing this act. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) are spreading at faster rates, teens being affected disproportionally. Teen pregnancy and teen birth are other concerns. After the delivery, the life of mother totally ...
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