Miss Sophia's Diary

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Miss Sophia's Diary

Miss Sophia's Diary


'Miss Sophia's Diary' is a story of a young woman who is suffering from tubercular. At first, she wants to study in Peking University, but is failed in doing so and then joined CCP in Beijing. Her area of interest is the liberty of feminism in the same way as the masculinity lies in the society. In this writing, she has explored the dominance of manly attitude in the society as women are mostly living under the influence of typical moral values. Furthermore, there is the negation of female's natural chastity in her writing as she wants feminism to be equally availed rather than posting the tag of morality, and innocence on the image of women (history.cultural-china.com).

Thesis Statement: There must be an open-minded environment for feminism in the society to negate the male-dominance in all aspects of life.


This story is based on gender-feminist approach narrated by Ding Ling. It is entirely female protagonist fictional novel, which clearly demonstrates the feminist thoughts regarding gender awareness in the social life. It depicts the life style of a woman “Sophia” who is willing to lead a liberal life in her own way, although there are numerous hindrances in her way, but she managed to tackle all those with her self-esteem and destined nature. Being a woman, Sophia is supposed to be a traditional woman with the feeling of shyness and modesty in her nature. However, during the whole story she tends to behave quite differently. She belongs to a well-to-do and educated background, which describes clearly her awareness regarding the gender equality issues and self-sufficiency. She is open-minded about the feminist approach to the sexual oppression, their rights to education and is in agreement with the concept of anti-traditionalism about the image of women in the society (history.cultural-china.com).

She presents a living symbol of a “modern woman” who is living her life according to her own will and is not obliged to follow any morality in her attitude and living standard. The main theme discussed in this article regarding the feminism is the erotic nature of women. She is sexually erotic in her personality and considers it as her right to express her arousing feelings to anyone she wants; whether it would be a male or female. She has been involved in such relationships with many bodies at a time, including Lin Jishi who is a married man. There is another man Wei, who wants Sophia to leave all her relationships with other bodies and remain loyal to him only. He tries to do this by romantically pursuing her passionately. However, Sophia feels irritated with his traditional mind-set. She is overcome with the fear of her erotic desires. She wants to continue her sexual activities but without being tagged as Femme Fatale in the society. Her fear of being stigmatized in the society keeps her worried and torn around the erotic thoughts (history.cultural-china.com).

Her story demands the application of “Liberal Feminism” in the whole life of a woman so that she may ...