Mircea Eliade

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Mircea Eliade


The main purpose of this paper is to make an emphasis on the Mircea Eliade's vision about the religion. This paper makes an analysis on his statement that “all religious speak of sacred reality beyond this world which manifests itself in our midst and makes itself known and brings about a change in our reality.”


For Eliade, the sacred is the ultimate reality, which manifests itself, that is the subject naturally, invisible reality and sacredness dressed media object. Eliade took this opposition from E. Durkheim for the sacred and profane are two opposite and distinct regions and the profane to the sacred passage, which they conceive as a radical metamorphosis and mutually reversible (Cave, 2002). If Eliade admits that the sacred becomes profane and vice versa, then departs from Durkheim's position. However, understanding the opposition to the profane sacred outside any Indian thought in perspective. Here, are a few reasons: the concept of the profane is not metaphysics or ontology equivalent in Indian religions'.

Mircea Eliade, in his "sacred and profane" brings an unconventional perspective on this concept. The sacred is a category of religiosity opposed profane. "The sacred is a category of existing archaic religious or traditional type, which reveals a certain ontological way in space and time, considered essentially pure and holy as it reveals widespread belief to the beginnings of the world (lson, 2002, 89)." He always believes that there is absolute reality, the sacred, which transcends this world but manifests itself in it and, therefore, sanctifies and make real. He believes that the world has a sacred origin and that human experience is updating all the potentialities to the extent that is religious that participate in reality (Dudley, 2007).

Discovering Christian valences Mircea Eliade's thinking is an approach doomed to failure. Trying to find ...
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