Mini Torch

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Mini Torch

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Mini Torch


In the contemporary global societal perspective, the environmental issues have become a significant factor for the population. The increase in thenegat6ive effects of global warming and the depleting level of natural resources have caused the majority of societies to develop moiré eco friendly and sustainable products. These products must not have a negative impact on the overall environment. In the context of the global organizational sector, various regulatory authorities and other pressure groups have increased their influence over the operational activities of these companies (Laroche et Al, 2001). The governments and the other social entities present in various countries are now more aware of the negative impact of irresponsible organizational activities, which leads to negative impacts on the environment.

The global consumer market has also changed due to the environmental factors, and now seeks to pursue a highly responsible lifestyle. These consumers seek to decrease their carbon footprints and the pollution oriented activities. Their consumption behavior has also changed as per the contemporary global environment, and they do not prefer to purchase products which have been produced irresponsible. For the corporate sector there is a substantial opportunity to increase their sales and invest in the environment friendly technologies (Bhate & Lawler, 1997). The future trends suggest that eth global population will be facing several natural resource and global warming based issues; hence the corporate sector should invest in the adequate technology on a timely basis. In this is scenario there is a substantial demand for innovative and environment friendly products in the consumer market. The corporate sector has to maximize this opportunity and provide the relevant products to the vast global consumer market.


Mini Torch 'Product Development'

In the context of the substantial demand for the environment friendly products by the consumer market, I have decided to develop a mini torch. This torch would represent a utility product which would be sold on a high volume low cost strategy, so that it easily sold to a large number of consumers. The torch would be a very small sized product, which would easily fit in the pockets of the consumers. It could also be placed in a key chain, as an environment friendly accessory. The primary reason to develop this product is based on the brand value of the environment friendly products. In the contemporary consumer market these products have become very popular in nature, and the consumers could use them as a lifestyle choice.

Apart from the branding activity, the product would also serve as a credible utility product which would provide value t the users. The individuals who posses these mini torches would be able to use them for practical usage, either in their household environment or during the night time in public. In the development phase special consideration would be given on the usage of recyclable materials. No material would be used which could not be easily recycled and have a sustainable utility for the end customers. Emphasis would also be laid on the size of these mini ...