Millennium Presence Advertising

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Millennium Presence Advertising

Question no. 1

Personality is comparatively steady collection of psychological features that impacts the way each person cooperates with the environment. In relation to situational method, features of the settings of an organization, that retrenchment was needed to the department of HR to help attaining objectives of the organization, the feelings, behavior and attitudes of Dan and Lori were influenced. Dan reacted by staying quiet, introverted and less constructive. Performance of Lori was more than average in comparison to his previous performance record. Even though she was not searching outside the organization for some innovative volunteer events for not keeping her mind idle or to keep it busy. Each individual is complex and unique, in spite of this five general basic aspects that express personality are under covered that are called five factor personality models.

Dan was unable to control emotionally himself on listening to the proclamation of job retrenchment and in this manner he became less confident and quiet where as Lori's constancy about her emotions was strong. Dan became introvert and cold where as Lori was used to interact with everyone and was friendly. This depicts that Lori was much more amenable as compare to Dan. She was more scrupulous as she was motivated positively. Dan was not that receptive and opened to the amalgamation idea. There is a relationship personality aspects and organizational behavior. The aspects are connected to the job performance.

The meaning of origin of control is that a collection of opinions about that whether someone's behavior is regulated by external or internal strengths. Lori and Dan vary on this aspect of personality. According to Dan, his behavior is motivated by external strength, which in this perspective is the top management decision that retrenchment was needed in HR. He became uneasy and upset. He had this fear that it would change into the end of job.

When the date for official amalgamation approached, the decisions by the top management related to reorganization were made and many of the people influenced by that, Dan was among them, as he was concerned about the new early retirement policy made by the company because of the reason that he was at the age of early 50's and never wanted to switch for another job in another company if the would have suggested him the early age retirement. Furthermore, he was also upset about the performance measurement criteria that in turn lead to the promotion of the employees, which in past was used to be on fair basis considering the performances of the employees. He was capable and good performer performing in reward and motivated areas. He got worried when he listened to the proclamation about the retrenchment and become really concerned about the stability of his job.

Unlike Dan, Lori was excited for adopting the new strategies; this was obvious as she was found discussing these innovative development rules with her co-workers. She made herself fully aware about the benefits this amalgamation was going to bring for their company and ...