
Read Complete Research Material



Question 1

A public figure that I have selected for my assignment is “Dr. Mirta Roses Periago”. She is the director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), the world's oldest public health agency. The main point for selecting her as a public figure lies in her intense work to improve the public health both inside and outside of America. She focused towards introducing health programs and policies in America that respect the diverse values, cultures and belief in the community. She worked a lot for betterment of public health by harnessing the power of information to improve the level of health literacy, knowledge sharing and evaluated through processes that make certain an opportunity for input from community members (WHO, 2013).

She strengthened the leadership role of the ministries of health and the development of primary health care based systems by engaging public health institutions and their employees to engage in affiliations and collaborations in ways that build the trust of the public and the effectiveness of institutions. She promoted consensus building with the forging of partnerships to attract new players for the defense of health and focusing on efforts for achieving visible improvements in public health (PAHO, 2006).

Question 2

Based on the health indicators for Healthy People 2010 and the list of proposed indicators for community health profiles, the identification of modifications, additions, deletions for guiding a new statewide health improvement initiative in Texas is given below


Birth Defects Monitoring

Birth defects monitoring involves collection of data on births occurring throughout the state of Texas. The purpose of addition of birth defects monitoring is to identify and describe the prevalence of patterns of birth defects in Texas. This addition will improve and guide a new statewide level health improvement plan that will help in finding the causes of birth defects as well as working for ...
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