Middle Range Nursing Theory

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Middle Range Nursing Theory

Middle Range Nursing Theory


Theory of nursing is a term given to body of knowledge that is used to explain or define various aspects of nursing profession. There are various types of nursing theory such as nursing practice theory, grand nursing theory, and mid range theories. In this paper we are going to focus on Middle Range Focus Theories. Middle range nursing theories build an effective bridge between nursing practice and grand nursing theories. It promise to increase nursing practice strategies and theory based research. Middle range nursing theories help graduate nursing students and nurses meet and accomplish their goals in carrying out sound nursing research. Theories of nursing influence nursing practice in several ways which has several impacts on overall healthcare. Nursing theories provide framework to define and support nursing practice, for instance it supports quality of patient care (Watson, 2008). Nursing theories can be implemented in practice situation to provide solution to problems of nursing practice.


In this paper we are going to apply middle range nursing theory to practice situation because applying theory will help professionals resolve current nursing challenges which in future can be utilized in research and educational setting, in management and administration of nursing care services, and direct patient care situations. The basic purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the importance of Nursing Process Theory in predicting, and explaining the describing, nursing phenomena. Nursing Theory will provide foundation for nursing practice, help nurses to generate future knowledge, and indicate in which direction nurses should develop themselves in future.

Identification of Practice Problem

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