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Intentional Use of Micro-Organisms

Intentional Use of Micro-Organisms


Bioterrorism act can extend the basis of using biological weapons to intentional use from simple deception. A number of nations are trying to acquire biological warfare agents. Main objective of using micro-organisms is to bring about ill effects or death to humans, livestock, or crops. Major concern has been placed security agencies on the possibility of terrorist to acquire biological weapons. These activist groups can use these weapons as disparaging agents against civil societies.

These micro-organisms act as infectious agents and include parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, biochemical toxins, and bio-molecules produced by microorganisms that are intentionally disseminated to induce terror (bioterrorism) and/or related mass casualties under conditions of civil unrest or military campaigns. Intentional use of these micro-organisms tends to act as highly contagious organisms. Since 1990s, many countries have developed the capacities to create many of the biological weapon agents included in all categories of microorganisms that represent a global public health threat (Judith & William, 2001). Biological agents can also be a threat for the environment. This is an important issue for global public health that should be considered in the new perspectives of a more ecological green world in which such environmental threats should be significantly reduced or eliminated.

Use of Micro-organisms as Biological Weapons

All micro-organisms cannot be used to create ill effects or death to humans, livestock, or crops. NATO refers to the name of any microorganism that causes human disease, plants or animals or produces deterioration of equipment (Richardt, 2008). Use of micro-organisms that are used to create a threat or disastrous impact is classified under biological weapon. A biological weapon is any pathogen that is used as a weapon of war, which is not to be confused with chemical weapons. Biological weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction. The properties of biological agents that make them usable as weapons are virulence, lethality, infectious capacity, transmission capacity, toxicity, incubation period, and stability.

The history of biological warfare dates back centuries ago. More primitive techniques were very affective in past; however, they were no less effective. The first documented use of a biological weapon is found between the years 1500-1200 BC when the Hittites collected and deceased victims of the plague and took them to the enemy lands to spread the disease. This technique was an ideal way to tackle both soldiers and civilians. 

Main objective of using micro-organisms is to create terror or gain power during the war by harming or destroying the manpower, agricultural sites, livestock, and crops. Intentional use of micro-organisms is to create extreme morbidity and mortality in plants, animals, and humans when they are intentionally disseminated to induce terror (bioterrorism) and relate to mass casualties under conditions of civil unrest or military campaigns (Anaya, 2002). In intentional attack of micro-organisms, the environment is contaminated by the terrorist that create a long-term threat to the population.

Risks of ill effects and death increase greatly if humidity in the environment is high. Terrorists can use biological agents to attack crops and ...
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