Methods Used For Providing Mental Health For The Elderly

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Methods used for providing mental health for the elderly

Methods used for providing mental health for the elderly


The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts relating to the analysis of methods used for providing mental health for the elderly. In this paper, the author will conduct a critique on a research article related to Gerontology. Gerontology is a science that takes care of aging people. It brings together knowledge of psychology, medicine, education, sociology, all with the goal of making the experience of aging in a less negative adventure, and why not, even positive. It is clear that gerontology is a field scientist with an interdisciplinary perspective in dealing with issues and problems affecting the aging process (Bartels, 1997).

Critical Analysis

Identification of Problem

In 2000, the proportion of persons aged 65 and older population in the US Region was 15%, and 75 years of age and older, nearly 7%. These figures are the highest in the world, and by 2030 they are expected to increase to 24% and 12% (Ackermann, 2002). Their impact on health services will be amplified by disproportionate high growth rates of prevalence of dementia. A major concern also causes mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, impairments caused by substance abuse, and delirium. In this regard, effective services to treat mental illness in the elderly will continuously increase (Nelson, 2008).

Significance of the study

Mental health services for the elderly are usually defined as a multi-disciplinary service providing a wide range of integrated services. The quality of the evidence relating to the work of mental health services for older people is improving, but the number of studies on the evaluation of models of mental health of old age is insufficient. Therefore, this study facilitates the understanding of mental disability treatment methods for elderly ...
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