Methods And Methods Utilised By Your Organization

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Methods and methods utilised by your organizatioN

Methods and techniques used by your organization

Methods and techniques used by your organization


Seven people were chosen who were thought to be representatives of the diverse work force. The data was compiled provided by Work Motivation Survey found on University of Phoenix resource page to determine what individual strengths and weaknesses were of team. Next, four motivational theories were chosen that were believed to be best motivators to help team through changes caused by merger/acquisition. The purpose of this paper is to assess impact of data that was gathered on employee job satisfaction and motivation.

Personality Profiles

Data, from following individual surveys, is compiled in Table 1.

Individual #1

Team member #1 is male and has worked with company over 10 years as the professional. He is highly inspired by completing tough challenges. He has the strong need to be liked by others and enjoys building close relationships with his co-workers. However, he would much rather work by himself. He is not inspired by setting and accomplishing goals and is only quite competitive. He does not favour an authoritative role and relishes feedback on his work progress.

Individual #2

Team member #2 is the male who has worked with company less than two years in production/assembly. He is not inspired to advance his work presentation and favours little or no competition. He has problems focusing on task at hand because of socializing with fellow co-workers. He yearns no place of administration and does not want tough challenges. He is highly confrontational but likes to work in the team setting. He doesn't like to be influential or pertains to group associations. He likes to know progress of his work.

Individual #3

Team member #3 is the female who has worked for company for 3-5 years in an administrative role. She endeavours to advance her presentation but is threatened by competition. She is very persons oriented and gets diverted effortlessly talking with co-workers. She doesn't want to be in ascribe neither does she desire very demanding tasks. She has the strong desire to be liked but feels she doesn't form close relationships with co-workers. She relishes setting individual goals and accomplishing tough tasks. She does not have need to join any corporate organizations and she works to gain more control of events around her.

Individual #4

Team member #4 is the female who has worked for company less than 2 years as the professional. She is highly motivated and highly competitive. She is exceedingly focused and is propelled by tough tasks. She builds close connections with her co-workers but becomes upset effortlessly if they don't perform at her grade of productivity. She loves influencing persons to get her way and belonging to organizations. She enjoys working in the team environment but is often irritated by lack of involvement of some members.

Individual #5

Team member #5 is the male who has 10+ years and is currently in the management role. He is mostly driven by tough tasks and competition. He prefers to be in ascribe and his yearn to ...
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