Methodological Approach In Epidemiology

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Methodological approach in epidemiology

Quantitative/positivist and qualitative/interpretivist methodological approaches

Part 13

Qualitative research3

Quantative research3

Data collection in qualitative research5

Data collection in quantitative research5

Traditional epidemiology6

Mix research methodology in epidemiology6

Social epidemiology7

Qualitative and quantitative methodological approach in prevalence of diseases8

Part 29

Research approaches in epidenomelogical researches9

Observational studies9

Experimental studies11

Causation in the field of epidemiology12

Importance of causation in the field of epidemiology13

Role of variables in causation13

Role of Risk factor in disease occurrence14

Quantitative/positivist and qualitative/interpretivist methodological approaches

Part 1

Qualitative research

Qualitative Research investigates about the individuals and society in which they are living. They use different approaches to identify the key areas of research. In the diversity of research, there are research methods which include naturally occurring data in the real environment. This study also includes the participant and non participant studies. It includes the views and behaviours of the individual. The qualitative research takes place in natural settings (Prevention and population health, 2010).

The qualitative research gathered the experiences, interpretations and understanding of the people living around you and their responses in the natural environment is collected in qualitative research (Prevention and population health, 2010). The Qualitative research includes understanding about the ideas of people. It includes observation and interviews. It helps in theory generation. It is subjective research as the words and phrases are involved in qualitative research (Mandil, pp.8).

Methods of qualitative research

The qualitative research methods include focus groups, interviews, ethnography, observations and case studies. Focus groups involve the mini group and extended group interviews as it is in a form of group interviews. In-depth interview is individual interview that conducted in sensitive topics. Ethnography conducted where real life situations is necessary in the research technique. The qualitative research method includes an inductive research method that is the hypothesis, conceptualizations and explanations provided by the participants (Harwell, pp. 148).

In the quality assurance, two factors play a vital role they are trustworthiness and authenticity. Trustworthiness in qualitative research includes credibility, conformability, dependability and transferability. Authenticity includes fairness, ontological, educative, tactical and catalytic (Mandil, pp.9).

Quantitative research

Quantitative methodological approaches are interested in predictions. It includes the survey and questionnaires. The data presented in numeric form. There is theory testing in quantitative research. There is model analysis in quantitative research it includes parametric and non parametric research. Quantitative research is used to maximize the objectivity, generalizability and reliability. The research experiences and biases can be kept aside. There is objectivity in the conclusion that derived from the data. There are hypotheses in the study and the study conducted to verify the hypotheses for the research. It covers many districts and cities as compared to qualitative research (Mandil, pp.8).

Methods of quantitative research

The quantitative research design also involves dependent and independent variables that associated with the data collection (Harwell, pp. 149-150). The quantitative research paradigm based on positivism. The epidemiological research inquiry it is based on one way mirror. Their goal of quantitative research is to analyze the data into causal relationship (Sale, 2002, 44-45).

The methods of quantitative analysis in epidemiology include observation, experimental and mixed research design. In the quality assurance, two factors play a vital role ...