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Group Presentation Activity on Metaphor


Machine Metaphor3

Machine Theory of Metaphor4

Insensitive management4

Arrogant attitude of management5

Lack of group work5

Less grooming of workers5

Over dependent on mentor6

Unable to think strategically6

Overly ambitious6

Teamwork Metaphor7

Theories related to the Teamwork metaphor7

Tuckman's Teamwork Theory7







Acceptance of authority9

Events that Occurred during the Activity10

Tuckman's Teamwork Theory11

Why these events had occurred12

How We will contribute in the Future13



Group Presentation Activity on Metaphor


There is no any denying the fact that all types of organizations are taking the help of metaphors and images that translate their mission, plan, believe and organizational set up. Metaphors, no doubt have strengths to persuade people to imagine or understand the situation, but they have also limitations (Morgan, 2006). Metaphors are like analogies which are used for the comparison of persons and things. Metaphors has the strength to give us opportunity to see the, but also limit our seeing and we cannot see or understand many other things. Only an experienced drawing master can create a meaningful, purposeful and logical metaphor (Aubusson 2006, pp. 1-9). In this assignment, two metaphors are used namely Machine and Teamwork. Machine metaphor is representing the nature of some organizations which have strict and controlled working environment. Where human resources are working like machines, and they have to work long hours like without rest. The second Metaphor is about the Teamwork. It is showing group work in an organization. Each member is contributing his/her assigned task in the group. The assigned task is on the basis of his/her specialization. Moreover, these two metaphors are also applied in this group presentation.

Machine Metaphor

Machine metaphor is given in the Appendix-I. There are three robots which are playing the music. Actually, there is used of analogy and robots are shown in place of human beings. These people learned how to play music and then given the task to play it. They are playing it since long hours without any rest. In this closed system of working where people are working like machines have no time for the family and friends. It is because of their long-hours duty. The main purpose of selecting this metaphor is that the concept of human working like machines is reviving. In past, peoples were exploited very much because of the ignorance. There was no awareness about the human, labor, women and child rights. After the boom of media and technology, a ray of awareness had flown in all over the world. Robots and other mechanical devices are the production of this system. Now these technologies are at the peak, and many advance organization are placing these systems into their offices (Milne, J. S. (2012). It will not saves their time, but also cost. This is the reason, again such thinking is arising in the minds corporate leaders to have human resource which saves time, cost and give maximum profit. For this reason, they are applying inhuman models and policies in their organizations.

Theory Related to Machine Metaphor

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