Metaparadigm Concepts Of Nursing

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Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing

Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing


Nursing metaparadigm is the group of theories which reflects and incorporates the thread of the philosophical assumptions and also defines the method to those assumptions. Metaparadigm involves in it the four major concepts which are environment, health, nursing and person. The purpose of this paradigm is to make the entire field of nursing stronger as a profession, as well as the service providing pathway.


Human beings are considered as an exposed energy field with different life experiences. The concept of human beings also explain that as an energy field, human beings are different from their parts and are unpredictable with regards to the knowledge of their parts. As a whole, they are a unique set of capabilities which can give reasoning and can be creative and are also self- responsible (Edwards, 1997). The second concept which is environment is the geography and landscape of the societal experiences gained by the human beings. This also includes the daily life experiences of human beings as well as the difference in the space, quality and time. Apart from social; personal and global experiences are also included in this concept (Callister, 2005). Moreover, values and the customs along with the expectations are also parts of this concept. Health is the mixture which incorporates in it the illness and the wellness throughout the entire life of a person. This concept entails in it the entire aspects of a person's social, physical, moral and aesthetics. Health is the concept which is relational ad well as contextual. The final and fourth concept is the nursing. This is primarily the nursing practices which is defined as the art and discipline of the taking care of the patients and also entails in the responsibility and choice which is guided by the human ...
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