Messaging System For Peer-To-Peer Networks

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[Messaging System for Peer-to-Peer Networks]



I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.


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Emerging peer-to-peer concepts provide new possibilities but also challenges for Distributed applications. Despite their significant potential, current peer-to-peer networks lack efficient group communication. This thesis addresses this deficiency and proposes the P2P Messaging System, which collaborates with peer-to-peer networks. For each peer group, it establishes virtual overlay networks based on the novel multi-ring topology that addresses peer heterogeneity and dynamics. Thus, the system overcomes the topological restrictions of peer-to-peer networks and provides a scalable and robust high performance infrastructure tailored to group communication. The P2P Messaging System derived from a server-less and extensible high performance messaging system, also introduced by this thesis. Because of the component-based architecture, many components of the server-less system are reused by the peer-to-peer system. Experimental benchmarks provided evidence for the high performance.

Table of Contents









Chapter 1: Introduction

The tremendous development of the Internet started diverse new trends. Significant expertise enhancements conveyed circulated schemes, which permit submissions to run on multiple appliances at distinct locations. Distributed schemes permit scalability, robustness, and effective use of accessible resources. However, circulated scheme constituents required more mighty connection procedures than the easier client/server architecture. Common methods founded on isolated method calls or simple sockets could not persuade the need. Messaging schemes, furthermore renowned as Message Oriented Middleware, addressed the expanded connection demand of circulated systems. They consign facts and numbers flats, called notes or happenings, and supply expanded connection characteristics, like lining up and precisely once- delivery. In supplement, they offer mighty one-to-many and many-to-many connection permitting facts and numbers causes to have any number of destinations. This is often founded on the publisher/subscriber notion, which permits decoupling the facts and numbers causes and the destinations. In short, messaging schemes permit mighty facts and numbers connection and be careful of the details. The implication of messaging schemes in the enterprise domain expanded lately.

This can be showed by Sun's Java Message Service (JMS), which was presented to offer a widespread interface for Java submissions to living messaging products. Soon, well liked goods, like IBM's MQSeries (IBM 2002), applied the JMS interface. Further, numerous schemes were constructed solely for JMS, like SonicMQ (Sonic 2002) and SwiftMQ (IIT 2002).  However, the genuine significance of JMS was illustrated in conjunction with the broadly utilised Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE). JMS, being a distinct merchandise on its own before, became an integral part of the J2EE platform. In supplement, J2EE's constituent architecture, Enterprise Java Beans, was expanded by a third bean ...
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