Mentorship Teaching In Clinical Teaching Of Nursing

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Mentorship Teaching In Clinical Teaching of Nursing

Mentorship Teaching In Clinical Teaching of Nursing

Literature Review

Description of Situation

In their article, Price & Price (2009) have discussed the practical ways in which the exploration of role model practice is conducted with the clinical nurses. In this case, although an attempt is made to increase the knowledge and skills of clinical nurses in dealing with patients effectively through the use of role modelling practice, the results indicate that the practice hasn't been effective. Here the opportunity to learn are not taken advantage of because the strategy doesn't considers the enhancement of the learning process for the clinical nurses.


The researchers Price & Price (2009) discuss the advantages relating tot the clinical placements. One key advantage is that the student can work with a professional while investigating the practice. Burns and Paterson (2005), have discussed how the practical application provides an opportunity for the students to lean the reasoning and judgment in the area of clinical nursing.

Andrews (1999) conducted a review where he suggested that the opportunities for practice development are valued by the nurses' in current times. Recently the focus for mentorship has switched form students to professional nurses.

Block (2005) emphasized on the advantage of mentorship in increasing the retention rates of nurses in hospitals. The problem was that the hospitals face challenges when it comes to retaining nurses. This is because the nurses are dissatisfied with their jobs. It is evaluated that whether the use of mentorship programs would be useful in improving the retention rates. These retention rates would in turn increase the patient outcome rates. The use of mentorship programs is proven to be effective in the retention process in the research.

The advantages and the role if mentorship in modern practices related to nursing in United Kingdom is discussed my Myall, et. Al (2008) .The research was conducted to find the impact of nursing education based on locality in the United Kingdom. Moreover also takes into account the academic staff and mentors. The study also takes in to account he same situation s in Australia. In the end the perceptions of mentors and student nurses are taken into account. Since for the nursing students, mentorship is essential and attracts many more researchers increasing their interests in the area. Although, there have been many researchers conducted relative to the mentorship in clinical nursing area, but very little attention has been paid to the mentorship rules and regulating bodies. The study is designed to expand the attention based on the regulatory bodies for clinical nursing mentorship programs. The data is focused on the next phase of the research. The method used by this study is the online survey and the questionnaire for clinical prequalifying learners and for the mentors in practice. The findings of this research conducted put emphasis on the necessity of the need to provide mentors who are adequately prepared and can support the mentorship process. The improvements regarding the research are also highlights and the reality and oratory gap ...
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