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Mentoring on Report Writing

Mentoring on Report Writing


Monitoring is simply a social exercise practiced between two entities however it may involve multiple participants. For a session to be declared as a mentoring session, one of the two parties must contain no or less amount of information relative to the other party. The party with more knowledge therefore has to train, guide and inform the participants belonging to the other group. Therefore, the basic purpose of a monitoring session is of course the exchange of information however the exchange is unidirectional. A monitoring session can further be categorized into subtypes. These includes informal monitoring which as the name suggest is a more casual type, structured monitoring which is the general guidance provided to the participants of any institute or organization, Peer monitoring which involves a very senior and experienced mentors, community based monitoring includes collective awareness of a huge amount of people and online mentoring programs like SCORE that educates and guides small micro businesses (



A professor in the engineering College has asked the students to write a report on their hardware projects. On a survey made in the class by the lecturer, the results showed that four of the students had no prior experience of report writing. Therefore, a mentoring session was arranged for them to make them able to write good quality reports.

Objectives of a Mentoring Session

The very first goal that a monitoring session had to achieve was the affective transfer of communication from the mentee to the participants. However, this in its own league is a much diversified object and includes many minute details to be covered for its proper execution. For example in a mentoring session each participant should receive equal attention and time (Biehl, 1997, pp.47).

Another objective of these mentoring sessions is to teach the participants how to further push and challenge themselves for the sake of their own growth and progress. This is also important to emphasize the significance of exploring the traits of oneself, the work and the surrounding environment.

The objective of such sessions also includes giving the participants a guideline of their tasks and responsibilities and how to set priorities the implementation of these tasks on the basis of their importance. Making the participants familiar the “Do's” and “Dont's” of any place, program or task is another aim o the mentee.

Objectives of This Mentoring Session

To make the stuedents able to write well quality reports.

To make the students familiar with all the steps included.

Planning of Mentoring Activities for a Mentoring Session

It is impossible to execute a perfect training or mentoring session without any planning. Therefore, the process of making an effective plan for the stepwise and strategic guidance and development of the mentees is known as MAP or Mentoring Action Plan. This plan helps the mentor and mentee to evolve an understanding of expectations and requirements that both parties have for each other. This is very effective for the strategic progress and development of the whole process ...
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