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A review of “Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring”

The concept of “Mentoring” has developed into a very popular theme in the past few years. Among the numerous books, which have been written on the subject of mentoring, this book namely, “Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring” is by far among the most influential and powerful books. Margo Murray, i.e. the author of this book has devoted a part of her life in assisting different firms in developing effective programs for mentoring. In this book, she has used her experiences that accounts for over twenty years of developing the practices of mentoring, and has presented her findings in a highly approachable form, which has provided a number of useful thoughts to the people who are involved in the profession of mentoring in any way.

This book takes a start with the review of the concept of mentoring & the grounds on which this has became so important for large companies. These factors include the demand for altered development of leadership in the organization, a workforce, which is aging, and the employees are required to be quickly for handling new positions, & an progressively diversified workforce, in which the conventional types of education and training cannot be taken for granted. The author has used a number of examples in the book from a number of governmental organizations.

A huge advantage of this book is the fact that it has presented the benefits as well as the problems, which a person could face in the process of mentoring. In the third chapter, the author has explained the benefits and the problems of mentoring for different firms. The benefits include faster development of people, easier recruitment, and the ability to retain key people. Nevertheless, there are a few problems that a company could face during the programs for mentoring, that are not managed in a proper manner, this also includes the commitment of energy and time, and the potential aspect of jealousy among people is not included.

Two of the chapters of the book cover the topic of the possible advantages, and the potential price of mentoring to for the mentors and the protégés. A person who is considering entering into a relationship of mentoring, or is engaged in a relationship of mentoring, would find these chapters the most useful and beneficial. For the protégés, the benefits that have been described are evident, i.e. enhanced growth, more alertness of the company, and suggestions for enhancement of career. The author has discussed some of the possible disadvantages of this process very clearly, and this discussion by the author can be helpful for all the readers of this book. These potential negative things include the negligence of the job, jealousy among the employees, and the tensions with the colleagues who do not have any mentors. A similar chapter treats pluses and minuses for mentors. The benefits that have been described include the satisfaction of needs to care for people, renewed interest in career issues, ...
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