Mental Retardation

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Mental Retardation

Mental Retardation


Everyone in this world sees or wishes to see the world and its inhabitants in the optimal condition; however, this is a highly unlikely scenario. Not everyone relishes the immaculate condition, or his experiences in his life, bring some unpleasant disturbances in his physical health or mental condition.

The Issues Related To Terminology, Law, and Identification of MR

Mental retardation denotes the inadequacy the mental capability of the human mind possesses, with respect to the sound and adequate functioning, and other vital skills and capabilities such as proper communication, adaptive skills and the ability to take care of oneself.

With respect to the law, the mental retardation varies with respect to every state. The definition in light of law entails the difference that exists between the natural degree of mental development, with respect to the age, and the actual degree of the functioning of an individual. The real issue that this factor entails is not the support which state law provides, with respect to numerous programs and departments, but how an individual is alienated from the rest once made part of such programs and departments. Not only does the society start looking at them the other way, but they feel they are separated from the rest because they are not as compatible.

Moreover, according to numerous scholars, the biggest issue with respect to the identification of MR lies with the way the disability is identified. Numerous individuals believe that the intellectual and other IQ tests should not be the sole basis of judging anyone mental capability below par. Sadly, this activity is executed in numerous education and other canters. However, the issue that lies with respect to terminology is the level of impact it has on students with cognitive disabilities. The term alone, plays a vital role in their distinct recognition, position and placement, as well as the attitudes and expectations of others towards the students (Beirne,, 1994).

Issues Related To the Definition and Classification of Students with MR

The previous section has significantly elaborated on the definition of MR, which illustrates the fact of the natural sound functioning of the brain and actual mental capabilities possessed by an individual. However, the definition further illustrates numerous factors and situations that play a pivotal role in bringing the limitations in an individual's sound cognitive functioning. There are numerous aspects via which the students with MR are classified, for instance, the delay in language or motor ...
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