Mental Process Paper

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Mental Process Paper

Mental Process Paper


Profile of the desired learning and work habits that are necessary for the production of a live labor force as a result of synthesizing research, theory and best practice - that keeps pace with or lead the transition and changes in the 21st century. (Kuipers, Jolley, Dunn, Freeman, 2006) Thus, Operation Breakthrough system provided an incentive to identify the five habits of flexible learning for self-improvement systems:

1. Self-education law: to recognize their own motivators and set goals for personal success;

2. Co-ed: interdependently to work in partnership and on the quality of teaching and learning groups for joint problem-solving;

3. Intentional learning: to get control in the learning process by integrating language arts strategies and learn how to learn;

4. Local training: overcoming stress and to maintain personal behavior in accordance with the purpose of achievement), and

5. Reflective teaching: to monitor and evaluate the thoughts and actions that occur in specific circumstances, under specific circumstances, to plan future actions and predict results. (Kuipers, Jolley, Dunn, Freeman, 2006)

Breakthrough objectives

One of the main activities is to identify opportunities for individual teachers and students want from their general classroom practice. Without this decision, many inaccurate assumptions made and the subsequent frustration experienced. When a frank discussion about expectations of a general goal of establishing the introduction of the motion. Both on a personal basis and as a group, the purpose of establishing the process begins with the end in mind and proceed to the specific thoughts and behaviors that must be met on a daily basis, if at a distant goal must be achieved. (Kuipers, Jolley, Dunn, Freeman, 2006) Once the team goal of a visualization of cognitive and physical actions, the movement of individuals and groups to or from the desired outcome of these students. For example, the group may decide to implement only one class rule: Make good decisions. Class discussion can be used to determine when the behavior to follow this rule, and when they do not.


Researchers have proposed the concept of platform solutions to the rationality of the property that the agent behaves in such a way that is almost optimal in terms of its goals as its resources permit. Managers are trying to make rational decisions. In doing so, this means that managers make consistent, value maximizing choice within specified limits. Assumptions of rationality are as follows:

* The problem is clear and unambiguous

* A clearly defined objectives to be achieved

* All of the alternatives and consequences, as you know

* Preferences are clear

* The preferences are constant and stable

* No time or cost, there are limitations

* The final choice will be to increase economic returns

A manager who is quite rational to be completely objective and logical, as the machine. Sound management decisions implies that decisions are taken in the interest of the organization. Manager is considered to be of maximum interest, not his or her own interests.

Nevertheless, some aspects of decision-making are not realistic about how managers make ...
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