Mental Health Practice

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Mental Health Practice

Mental Health Practice


It is estimated that each year are diagnosed between 15 and 30 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants. This is a group of mental disorders, the disease is as old as mankind, at other times the schizophrenics were called crazy, lunatic, insane and even owned what became marginalized beings who suffered scorn, misunderstanding and torture to carrying them out the devil inside, they were subjected to many experiments having them confined in a prison-like beings were regarded as dangerous and unpredictable. In the 50's came the medicines to relieve your symptoms in order to regain their dignity as human beings, these drugs called neuroleptics or antipsychotics have helped many patients being discharged from hospitals and not have to re-enter. Society tends to reject and marginalize the schizophrenic by bizarre and sometimes dangerous behaviors. Most are old homeless schizophrenic homeless misery besides other end is suicide (Borthwick, Holman, et al, 2001, p. 427-439).


What is the Schizophrenia?

Devastating mental illness, literally meaning "split mind", but is not split personality but one division to the reality and the patient is increasingly removed from reality and thrust into a world of delusions and fantasies, because this to schizophrenia is considered a psychosis. It is a brain disorder to think, control emotions, make decisions and relate to others. It is a complex, chronic disease that equally affects all patients, usually involving more severely the younger the person is, the more late and sudden onset of the disease and the more normal the patient's prior, Best guess will have the disease in later and slower and more withdrawn and rarely the way he is, the worse the prognosis. Good or bad prognosis refers to the risk that a person became unable to care for her or along with others (Borthwick, Holman, et al, 2001, p. 427-439).


They know what the real reason for the bad, and that schizophrenia does not appear to be a single disease but a group may not have a single cause but a combination of factors would result in the appearance (Burke, Cooper, 2010, p. 16-22). Among the factors that appear to be responsible are:

Alterations in brain chemistry

Imbalance in substances (neurotransmitters) allows neurons to communicate properly with each other (Burke, Cooper, 2010, p. 16-22).

Alterations in form and operation of brain

By using modern techniques such as scanning and magnetic resonance imaging have found that certain parts of the brain of a schizophrenic have a smaller size and have limitations in performance (Burke, Cooper, 2010, p. 16-22).

Genetic predisposition

The risk of disease is greatest when there is a family history of disease in people with no family history of disease (Burke, Cooper, 2010, p. 16-22).

Virus infections

Carried out studies attempting to demonstrate the possible influence of infection by viruses that would suffer the mother during pregnancy and cause small lesions in the fetus (Burke, Cooper, 2010, p. 16-22).

Complications at birth

This theory has tried to relate some accidents (trauma, asphyxia) with the onset of disease (Burke, Cooper, 2010, ...
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