Mental Health Nursing - Case Study

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Mental Health Nursing - Case Study

Mental Health Nursing - Case Study


Alcohol is frequently used in Australia and has always remained a part of the Anglo Australian lifestyle. Australia is on the14th position in OECD countries all over the world for per head consumption of alcohol (Frye, 2008). Until 1974, the permissible age of drinking in Australia was 21 years and later it was descended to 18 years and this has given rise to alcohol consumption in Australia particularly by children and youths aged from 13 years and an additional rise in morbidity, mortality and accidents related to alcohol (Martin & Hardison, 2008).


1. Using the DSM-IV-R criteria for Substance Abuse provide evidence from the case study that indicates that STEVE meets the criteria for a Substance Abuse disorder.

Substance abuse is distinct as a maladaptive prototype of substance use causing clinically considerable distress or impairment (Dawe, 2008) as marked by one or more of the following taking place within a period of a year:

(1) Regular alcohol use ensuing in a failure to execute major responsibilities at home, school or work (for instance, poor work performance or frequent absences due to alcohol use; alcohol related suspensions, absences or exclusions from school (Hanson & Rastam, 2000); ignorance of household or children)

(2) Regular alcohol use in conditions when it is physically dangerous (for instance, operating a machine or driving a vehicle when impaired by the use of alcohol)

(3) Regular legal issues related to alcohol (for instance, taken into custody a disorder conduct related to alcohol) (McMurray, 2003)

(4) Continuous use of alcohol despite having recurrent or persistent interpersonal or social problems led by or aggravated by the consequences of alcohol (for instance, disputes with spouse regarding the outcomes of Intoxication) (Mattick, 2006).

The case study along with the DSM-IV-R criteria mentioned above proves that Steve does have a substance abuse disorder. Also, the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV-R regarding mental disorders confirm that Steve fits into the class of substance abuse. As discussed above, this criterion takes account of alcohol abuse which is a critical pattern of alcohol use, causing significant medical, occupational, or social impairment (Mattick, 2006). In Steve's case, his alcohol abuse problem has caused complications at his work. For instance, he had been going late to his workplace and so, was ultimately fired as an outcome of his drinking. On top, Steve has been going through anxiety and mental distress following the abuse of alcohol. Moreover, Steve has been consuming more lately to help him ward off the depressing consequences of alcohol withdrawal.

2. Investigate and outline the epidemiology of Alcohol use in Australia. Your answer needs to cover the following areas: prevalence/incidences, possible causes, hospitalisation rates &burden of disease.

As we all know, alcohol is frequently consumed in Australia; in the Drug Strategy Household Survey 2008, around 86% of people over the age of fourteen years reported consuming alcohol in the preceding twelve months (National Drugs Strategy Household Survey, 2008). The statistics definitions of 2003 revealed that the prevalence/incidences of high risk drinking or addiction ...
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