Mental Health

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Mental Health

Mental Health

Assessment 1: Workplace Health and Safety and Consultation

Question 1: What is your role in the workplace in relation to Workplace Health and Safety?

Answer 1

My role in the workplace in relation to Workplace Health and Safety is to work with safety inspectors to improve workplace health and safety outcomes. My role is to implement work safe compliance strategies by providing practical guidance material on hazard identification and risk management. My role also looks after promotion of consultation and representation of employees in workplace health and safety matters.

Question 2: Why is consultation necessary in workplace health and safety?

Answer 2

Consultation is a legal requirement and a necessary part of managing health and safety risks. A safe workplace is achieved when everyone involved in the work communicates with each other for identification of risks and hazards; consultation facilitates talks regarding concerns of health and safety. Consultation in workplace health and safety is vital for generating awareness and commitment while building positive working relationships.

Question 3: Who should be involved in the consultation?

Answer 3

Both management and workers are involved in the process of consultation. Workers are more likely to engage in consultation when ideas of them are actively required and any concerns about health and safety are taken seriously. Workers are involved in the process of consultation to get input from them regarding various steps because workers will be affected by the decision of management, either directly or through health and safety representative.

Question 4: When it is necessary to consult?

Answer 4

It is necessary to consult while identifying hazards, assessing risks and deciding on measures to control risks. It is necessary to consult because consultation will enable managers to identify hazards and ways to manage risks at workplace.

Question 5: What do the regulations say in regards to consultation?

Answer 5

The Work Health Safety (WHS) Act has no requirement for conducting a business or undertaking to certain agreement with their workers on how consultation will take place. According to Section 47 (2) of WHS Act, if a person conducting a business or undertaking and the workers have agreed to procedures for consultation, the consultation must be undertaken according to those procedures (Safe Work Australia 2011, p. 12).

Assessment 2: Safety Check

Assessment 3: 1. Identifying and Reporting a Hazard



Name of person who identified the hazard Janvier Mushabisa____________

Source (please tick)

( Audit( Pre-Start ( Toolbox ( Visual ( Incident ( Other


Site Home_______Department _____________________

Description of Hazard

While walking around home, it was found that smoke alarm was not working and was not

Installed in proper area. Smoke alarm detects smoke in fire incidents. Smoke alarm is vital

safety device and it should be present in every home or office for safety against fire.

Risk ( High ( Medium ( Low or Risk Calculator Score:

Corrective Action

The corrective action was taken to minimize the hazard is replacement of faulty smoke alarm.

This can be purchased from local hardware, variety or departmental store. The corrective

action is followed by purchasing a smoke alarm with Australian Standards or Scientific services

laboratory ...
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