Mental Health

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Mental Health

Mental Health

Question 1-Payment Plan

Many patients suffering from mental disorder can experience a meaningful and purposeful life. Recovery does not refer to cure, but it refers to minimizing the symptoms of the disorder. This concept is built on the basis of hope, responsibility self-determination and empowerment. In the process of recovery, patients of mental illness are treated with special care, dignity and respect. They are offer with the best suitable services and treatment that is advice by their health professionals as well as their peers and family members.

There are a number of strategies that are can be designed and implemented throughout the mental health system in order to address the major issue of value, with the objective of bringing improvement in the advantages received per dollar spent on health care. These approaches range from value-based payment design to improved efficiency of health care delivery systems. These must acquire concentration in the center of the national and international economic crisis. In spite of the need, not a single agreed-upon measure of comprehensive or value has observed that can improve access to existing health care. Without a proper implementation of this approach, instead of progress, hindrance will appear in the path to achieve greater value of health care in United States (Rowling, 2002).

Question 2-Create It

It is important to design effective programs for promoting mental health awareness. Population health behavior can be influenced by social capital. This can be done by encouraging a more immediate diffusion of mental health awareness, raising the likelihood of the adoption of healthy behavior norms by pressurizing deviant health-related behavior by social-control. For the formation of an individual's psychosocial processes, excessive levels of social capital are favorable; these are necessarily required to cope with life's stressors as it provides protection against ill-health. Within an individual's community, social interactions give rise to these kinds of psychosocial processes. Interaction with other society members can be enhanced by promoting trust and reciprocity that offers secure factors opposing the initiation of any psychosocial practices that are considered as determinants of ill-health.

Question 3-Technology and Health Care

Various experts have also suggested that Medicare can categorize the benefits it offers in to two categories. These include facilities more expensive and important and benefits relatively affordable and urgent. Hence, the facilities relatively less needed can be ceased to offer. This will help the program to focus on a larger number of individuals for facilities that are more essential (American Nurse Association, 2010).

An electronic patient record refers to document placed on the computer system which keeps essential data regarding the current history and health of the patient. Previously, the records of the patients used to be maintained largely in physical files in the form of hard copies that most frequently used to be found in the receptionist desk in the doctor's work place. However, trends have changed to a great deal now (Rowling, 2002).

Question 4-Clinical Testing and Technological Assessment

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