Mental Health

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Mental Health

Mental Health

Answer One

Subjective Data

Subjective data is something that is provided by the patient himself. It cannot be observed or cannot be studied until and unless the patient himself informs of it. Pain is an example of subjective data. It cannot be observed or studied until the patient himself tells it (LeMone & Burke, 2011). Following are the examples of subjective data presented in the case:

Richard quitting his job because he says that he has become the president of the bank.

His belief that he is fine and he does not have any health issues.

His mental state and his flight of ideas (ideas cannot be observed or studied until he expresses himself. This is why they are classified as subjective).

Objective Data

Objective data is that can be observed and is studied by the doctors. The behaviour of the patient and the problems that he is suffering from are the ones that are classified as objective and are studied to make sure that the right and correct treatment is provided to them for making sure that they are cured (Lake, 2009). In the case, the following objective data was presented:

His height, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure etc.

His behaviour with the physicians while they are examining him.

Current situation of his health as explained by his sister and as observed by everyone due to his actions.

Answer Two

Physical restraints should not be imposed on every person who is suffering from mental illness. It is not recommended because it further escalates the problem instead of solving it. This means that the people who are treating the people suffering from mental illness are the ones who have the choice to impose physical restrictions; therefore, they should make use of it very efficiently and effectively. Imposing physical restrictions has a number of adverse impacts on the patient.

In this case, Richard does not have a history of mental illness. He is a diabetic patient; therefore, it will not be appropriate to impose physical restrictions on him. It will have negative impact on the patient. It will increase the violent behaviour in him. Currently, he is behaving inappropriately, and in the future if physical restrictions are imposed on him, this behaviour will increase more (Jacques, 2009). Another negative impact on the patient will be that his mental health will not improve, instead it will deteriorate.

Answer Three

His blood glucose level is very low which means that he is suffering from Hypoglycemia. This is a condition where the patient is suffering from extremely low blood sugar levels and the patient is not able to act normally. This happens when the body is consuming the sugar very quickly or the intake of insulin by the patient is more than is required. When a person is suffering from this situation, he does things that he usually does not and then does not remember it.

This is exactly what is happening with Richard. He has been behaving abnormally and is unable to remember what he did when his blood sugar level was low. This is a serious ...
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