Mental Health

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Mental Health

Mental Health


Mental health explains a psychological well being level; it can be the absence of any mental disorder or disability. From the viewpoint of holism or positive psychology, mental health might include a person's ability to take pleasure in life, and maintains a balance in life activities as well as hard works to accomplish psychological resilience. Mental health may also be described like term of emotions, in addition to as signifying a flourishing adaptation to a variety of demand (Lian, 2011).

Anxiety is considered as the most serious and common mental disorders. Depression or anxiety is the third largest disabling disease, after lower respiratory tract infections and diarrheal diseases all over the world. These are caused by a number of issues in which the most common is the misuse or abuse of substances such as alcohol. These issues cause a number of problems in the families as well as society, and have a bad impact over the society (Pilgrim & Rogers, 1999, pp. 25-43).

The good news is that these disorders can be treated and improved with appropriate counselling. Therefore it is important to ask for help: the sooner someone faces a problem more quickly you can begin to control.


A recent research carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that mental health is a major cause of disability among adolescents and young people, precisely those we should be most happy, strong, enthusiastic and optimistic about the future. The causes of the high incidence of mental illness among young people can be many and are not defined by the study. What is known is that 45% of those affected by mental disorders are between 10 and 24 years old. According to these figures, neuropsychiatric diseases such as depression, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and alcohol abuse, are the leading cause of disability among young people around the world, followed by injuries in and infectious diseases such as HIV or malaria. So parents should be very careful. They must learn to recognize the symptoms of these diseases so they can help their children (Susser, 2006, pp. 441-459).

How to distinguish a passing concern of depression? Depression is characterized by the presence of five or more of the following signs: sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, weight loss or gain, difficulty sleeping or excessive sleeping, lack of energy, lack of self esteem and ideas of death or suicide. It is natural that teens feel worry and stress in trying to be nice, do well in school and make important decisions (Pilgrim & Rogers, 1999, pp. 25-43). However, when the concern becomes sadness, despair and lack of will, it is possible that it is a warning against a mental health problem.


Abuse of alcohol or drugs, meanwhile, is often accompanied or powered by a problem of depression or bipolar disorder. When this happens it is important to treat both conditions simultaneously, not just one.

Bipolar disorder, or manic depression, however, occurs when the state of mind of a person changes suddenly and forth ...
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