Men And Women In Relationship & Sexuality

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Men and Women in Relationship & Sexuality

Men and Women in Relationship & Sexuality


This paper discusses the relationship between men and women in their marriage lives, based on their sexual satisfaction. There are problems in attitudes of both men and women, which are discussed in this paper, including the desire of sexual activities. These problems lead towards the worst conclusion of separation or divorce. The attitudes of men and women in this regard need the act of counseling, which improves the situation to a little extent.


This paper focuses on the relationship between men and women in their marital lives based on their daily life experience. The focus is on the gender equality in the marriage life, which is not meant for romance and sex only, but it incorporates the individual's duties, needs, responses, and contributions towards the survival with a successful marriage life. The research shows that men and women both are pretty uncomfortable in their lives in terms of dissatisfaction. The satisfaction is merely based on their sexual needs because of busy life routines. Therefore, these people prefer extra marital relationships, which are dissatisfaction towards their partners based on their possessiveness (Walker, 1998).

Another option adopted for this dissatisfaction is counseling, which is found to be effective to the women personality only. The reason for such a constant discomfort in men is their need of sexual involvement, which is increased with their emotional involvement with every other opposite gender. This creates dissatisfaction among their primary partners, and as such the family life is ruined leading towards separation or divorce (Walker, 1998).

According to the research, the reason for such displeasure in the marital life is the unreasonable attitude of women toward their lives. Women are illogical, annoying, calculating and irrational as they keep on creating problems at minor issues, like late arrival at home, busy phones, forgetting their birthdays or other foolish acts. On the other hand, men are reasonable as they do not behave like women; neither are they found shouting at such silly things. Men are decent, friendly and good-natured, which make them attractive to others and they get indulged in extra affairs based on these problems of their wives, and qualities of their own nature. However, similar level of frustration is also found among married women, based on such over friendly nature of their partners (Sungur, 2008).

These issues keep the marriage life in troubles for a long time as most of them stick to what they are habitual to do while some of them get improved results with the counseling provided to them, and enjoy their sexual relationship with their primary partners only (Sungur, 2008). Moreover, the author describes the main characteristic of men as they are not loyal in their commitments, but those are just their spoken words. For avoiding such extra marital affairs, both the partners must have commitments to each other with loyal expressions, representing from their voices. People should find comfort with their primary partners rather than having any secondary partner in ...
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